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Nifskope armor rigging problem


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Hello, I have been messing around with Nifskope and Blender lately to make custom armors but I have ran into a problem when using parts from another modded armor. The specific part I mean is the cloak. I assume its a rigging error since the armor looks fine in Nifskope and Blender but ingame, the shoulders are stretched upwards. I have never had to adjust the rigging for anything before so Im kinda lost.

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I have seen that happen with armor pieces that were converted from another game.

If you are using pieces of armor from FNV, did you parent and then bone weight the .nif in Blender?

Well I am new to both programs. I did make sure that both parts had the same parent in Nifskope but I dont know what bone weighting is

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You do your bone weighting in Blender 2.49, since this is the one that works with FO3 and FNV. There are a lot of tutorials available on Nexus Mods and youtube.


You can go to the Oblivion, Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas mod sites and use blender tutorial in the search. It doesn't matter about the game, the method is still the same.

Edited by M48A5
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