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Increase Ballistic weapons and lesser armors


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Hey guys, I have tried to mod X COM but it just isn't working. I know what I want is possible and a really simple idea I have, it's just changing values.

I want to increase the damage of Ballistic weapons, simply because I like the look/sound/feel of bullets rather than plasma.

I also want to increase the armor values of the lesser armors a fraction, since I hate the look of the Upper tier stuff.

This is not exactly unbalanced, since its not hard to research and manufacture plasma and good armors. I am using the best stuff but I just like the basic stuff better.


Can someone please make a mod that does this, or at least a research/manufacture option to globally increase damage?


Thanks guys.

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The X-Com modding community probably isn't large enough for someone to custom-make you a mod. But what you can do is possible with Modpatcher or ResourceHacker, which are fairly easy to use if you follow the instructions carefully. Simply go into DefaultGameCore.ini and find the Weapons stats at the top, and change the iDamage of the various ballistic weapons to whatever you like. To change armors, change the iHPbonus variable. Good luck.

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