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Some questions about AI and pathing


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So I've got my pretty little Barbarian's camp all set up, I've tried several different things that brought on more problems, but here's 3 pressing ones:


1. How do I path AI so they know that to get in and out of the fort they have to go through the stockade door?


2. How can I get AI to use the stockade tower? If I try to place them on it ("f" doesn't work, it puts them under so I have to place them manually and they just spawn away from the tower). They tend to go under it just to get at AI on the other side of the wall, which relates to my first problem.


3. How do I assign them beds and duties? I want to make like a guard's shift, so they'll sleep at a certain time in a particular bed and eat at a particular time (not necessarily in a specific place this time, just around the fire)


those are the most pressing I've dealt with for the past few days, any help is much appreciated. Thanks fellas

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1.Not sure what you mean, but if they need to go from your camp exterior to the fort interior cell: select that door and click on the teleport option, now go to the interior of the fort and link the previous teleport to that door, now you will see a yellow box indicating where you will teleport to when clicking on the door.
When doing this you need to edit your navmeshes and "finalize" the cell so the npcs can also use this yellow teleport box, if done properly you should see the red navmesh under it become a green one.

1&2. are related to navmeshes I think, after you placed your camp you need to make new navmeshes so the npcs know where they can and cannot walk and stop bumping into walls and stuff.
I have a little tutorial on the bottom of my mod page where I explain how I work with navmeshes, maybe you can read that or watch some navmesh tutorials on youtube, but beware that editing navmeshes in exteriors is way more difficult then in interiors, because if done improperly in exteriors you will get deleted navmesh references that can cause CTD.

3.Thats AI packages, if you want them to sleep you need to add a sleep package, edit that package and select the right location, radius, time, etc.
There are packages for almost anything including eating, patrolling, sandboxing (working and using random items/furniture).
But to make them use patrols you need to add patrol idle makers, link those markers with eachother and then assign your npc to it.

I know this doesnt explain it properly but you should really look for some tutorials on those things, It cant be summed up in just a simple reply.

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