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Request/Suggestion (with possible methods) No more gear and enemy levels.


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I won't sugar coat it; I hate 2077's gear and enemy leveling system. It's nothing like the the tabletop and feels like a weird, gimped version of Borderlands. Let's get rid of it and flatten out that level.


Here's my proposed method (assuming all of this is possible):

1. Set the world level to 50. I feel this may be required per region or per quest, or both.

2. Set the player's starting health to whatever it would be at level 50 with just level bonuses.

3. Set the health gain per level to 0.


Alternatively (since I don't know how those algorithms work):

1. Set the starting character level to 50, but deny the perk and attribute points from those levels. Set the new max level to 100.


One of these should have the result of locking the world at its max level, meaning you won't have to constantly upgrade or swap your gear, but will still improve as a character through attribute points, skill levels, and perks.


At the very least someone please make upgrading gear free, or not have increasing costs (just upgrading, not crafting).


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