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The bug collection, why not share your weird odd bugs?


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So I'm sure all of you have a few cases of odd, weird bugs, some disastrous, or a case that would make you wonder how in hell did that happen?

I know I have had a few of them.


The last note worthy one that I would say fits the bill, Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon was somehow dispensed in a Sunset Sarsaparilla vendor machine.

Somehow managed to pick up 2 versions of Elijah's advanced LAER, not sure how on earth that happened.


I'm still waiting for my weird bug where mr-deathclaw will out of the blue attack me and then mysteriously teleport to the strip and kill everything in sight. :D

Or the nice innocent lady will transform into a raving ghoul and plant a live mininuke in my pants just for the fun of it.


So share your weird bugs and occasions. :D

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