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Payment for premium.


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We would like to support and endorse Modders, Vortex, and Nexus. We would not mind becoming premium members. (Does PayPal have gift cards, by which to direct funds?)


However, our programming professor at uni explained that subscription models are flawed, and future hackers will access privacy, identity, credit-card, and banking data.


PayPal (and other models) have solid current reputations, but he taught us that that integrity is likely temporary.


The same may be true with Patreon, whereupon we have many friends, and with Cloud subscription-models, because Cloud-custodians and the Server-Tech cannot outpace hackers.



With subscription models, providers can make it difficult to cancel credit-dinging subscriptions.


So, what is a workaround? If gift-card technology were implemented, we could purchase with cash. We would buy a Nexus or Vortex gift-card. We have asked Patreon to go to that model.


Perhaps a contract could be negotiated with STEAM, to direct STEAM-Card wallet funds to off-site but linked content? Whether feasible or not, it's an idea.


BTW, not all Nexus/Vortex Forums users can afford to pay with cash or credit or funds, we're guessing. Some pay back, to the Community, with time and service instead?


Our current method means making mods that the Community is free to use and re-use, as one way of contributing. We have one published and we're working on no. 2.


We sincerely hope that these efforts aren't overlooked when Vortex and Nexus administrators are replying to posted cases?

Edited by Gorgopis
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