Meoix Posted April 1, 2013 Share Posted April 1, 2013 Hey everyone. I am a very familiar with modding and using mods for Bethesda games, (Fallout and ES) going back to morrowind when it came out.Every once in a while I come across with an issue like this, which in time gets fixed by some random action in which boggles my mind. Here's the issue:Quite simply, some mods will load, and some wont.Mods like Dawnguard (Technically DLC but fundementally similar), or alternate start, don't work at all. I cant find things like Harkin, Serana, or, Dawnguard when I type Help <Word> in the console. Using tmm 1 to show locations does not display the locations on my map and saves in progress at these locations warp me to the inn in riverwood naked. Other mods like showracemenu overhall and Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul work fine.Now here's some extra information that I see asked for or about a lot on forums:I do own a legal copy.My computer is strong enough to play skyrim, I've played it since it came out and I've upgraded my computer since then (I actually use graphic mods to improve the look as well normally)Everything is updated, drivers, skyrim, skse, nmm, boss.I do have:[Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1in my SkyrimPrefs.iniI have sorted mods with Boss.I avoid conflicting mods, I only have a few now as I just cleaned house.I have had skyrim working in the past with more mods then I care to count of nearly every type. I've tried:Restarting (Just putting that out there)Reinstalling skyrim and nmmLooking for more updatesAsking skyrim nicelyAsking skyrim less nicelyRemoving and reselecting mods one at a time to test (results were the same, some load, some don't even if it's just Skyrim, Update, & Dawnguard loaded.Ensuring I have admin rights in folder and exe Is there anyone who's had a similar issue? Or knows of a solution?I hope someone is able to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkyrie Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 Ok so they are installed and activated in NMM? Which mods are not working just the DLC's? Did you verify your files thru Steam? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meoix Posted April 2, 2013 Author Share Posted April 2, 2013 Yep, everything is activated and installed in NMM. The plugins.txt is accurate to NMM (earlier versions of nmm seemed to cause discrepancies, ie. duplicates, missing dlc, etc. but that seems to have been fixed a while ago)Yep, I did verify files through steam, alas, no change in the issue.It seems for the most part, it's mods that add content that don't "activate" in-game.Things that change features or alter content like npcs, behavior, menus, lighting, that sort of thing work, which helps illuminate whyshowracemenu overhall and Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul would work and why Dawnguard and the alternate start mod, don't load. But still, I don't understand why Skyrim would differentiate between the two and have issues, espcially a fresh install with just Skyrim, Update, and Dawnguard activated.There must be some ambient files not being overwritten that's causing the issue, but I can't pinpoint it. Side Note:Bleh, years or IT and Software Development under my belt, yet I'm completely stuck :p.I feel people who are more familiar with computers are the ones who undergo the more frustrating issues. Is that just me or do others feel the same way? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkyrie Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 (edited) If ya can post your load order and a copy of your skyrim.ini (its in your documents/games/skyrim). Its just a text file you can open with notepad. And yeah when we figure this out we'll be scratching our heads wondering how we didn't see something even a puter 101 student would have recognized right away :P Edited April 2, 2013 by Valkyrie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meoix Posted April 2, 2013 Author Share Posted April 2, 2013 Load order: Update.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmBetter Dynamic Snow.espBooksBooksBooks.espCatsofskyrim.espUnlimitedBookshelves.esplovecraftbooks.espOwned.espPerkPointPotion.espShootingStars.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.espChesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espWetandCold.espCloaks.espRanger's Cape.espSamuraiBlades.espERSO 01 - Vanilla Races Redone.espERSO 02 - EFMS very bigger giant mammoths.espERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.espERSO 07 - Super Mighty Dragon Priests.espERSO 08 - RUS-00 Main plus Dawnguard Dragonborn.espERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected.espERSO 09.1 - Essential Children.espERSO 09.2 - Radiance.espERSO 10 - RUS-(SIM)-Travellers and Adventurers.espERSO 10.02 - Adventurers and Travelers.espERSO 11 - RUS-(SIM)-Assassins and Thieves.espERSO 12 - RUS-(SIM)-Werewolves.espERSO 13.03 - Higher Skill Cap 200.espERSO 14 - Vendors richer and Inns more expensive.espERSO 14.03 - Vendor Soul Gems Only Empty And Very Rare.espERSO 14.04 - Vendor Animal Parts Less Common.espERSO 14.05 - Vendor Less Minerals.espERSO 14.06 - Vendor Only Minor Enchanted Weapons Armors.espERSO 14.08 - Respawn Vendor Stuff 1 day.espERSO 16 - Realistic Crime Alert Distances - SHORT.espERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore.espERSO 19 - Respawn 2 days - 10 days.espERSO 20 - Standing Stones Overhaul.espERSO 21.01 PM Dungeons.espERSO 21.02 PM Blackreach.espERSO 21.03 PM Dwemer.espERSO 22 - Better Necromancy Spells.espERSO 24 - Pickpocket Perks Changes.espERSO 27 - Better Archery Stuff DawnDborn33.espBetter Vampires.espToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espDragonCombatOverhaul.espwyldtats.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espUFO - Dawnguard AddOn.espUFO - Heartfire AddOn.espSeranaSecret.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espGri_BeastFeet.espWATER.espOmegared99-Archer.espOmegared99-Mercenary.esppowertolesser.espThe Dance of Death 3.0.espERSO 08.1 - ERSO EXTREME MIRAAK.espERSO 08.2 - ERSO EXTREME HARKON.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Skyrim Ini: [General]sLanguage=ENGLISHSIntroSequence=bDisableGearedUp = 0uExterior Cell Buffer=36[Display]fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048bAllowScreenshot=1fSunShadowUpdateTime=0fSunUpdateThreshold=10.0fShadowBiasScale=0.6[Audio]fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0[Grass]bAllowCreateGrass=1bAllowLoadGrass=0[GeneralWarnings]SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.[Archive]sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsasResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa[Combat]fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0[Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=1bEnableTrace=1bLoadDebugInformation=1[Water]bReflectLODObjects=1bReflectLODLand=1bReflectSky=0bReflectLODTrees=1[saveGame]iAutoSaveCount=10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
korun Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 If it wasn't about DG dLc, i would say, check if everything is ticked in the data files tab then launch your game the first time with the game launcher instead of SKSE. if Live another life isn't working, uncheck it, launch wait for the Beth's menu then exit, go back to the data tab and check the LAL box again, then start, it will probably work, sometimes mods are activated on screen but not in game.for the DLc i really don't know, i've loaded a lvl 1 char in Helgen, type help Serana and get all ref, help Dawnguard return all ref, then, on this profile my main char is done with the main DG quest 1st, you don't use Mighty dragon from Erso as a choice? just to know why you have almost everything except the module 03 ( this doesn't change anything about your problem), was just looking for it. Erso is definitly a amazing mod, but it takes a lot of space, dl Wrye Bash it's a mod manager with many options, you'll still use NMM, but WB will help you further, at 1st launch it will create a bashed patch and place it un-activated in your load order, you will have all your mod listed as per your Boss load order ok?,then right-clic on bashed patch, a command menu will pop up, choose "rebuild patch", a windows will pop up with "merge patch", there, are the module from Erso which will be merged, InI Tweak and last leveled list, in this tab, all mods/Dlc which are tagged by boss [Delev/Relev] must be there, (it's automatic iwhen the box is ticked), if everything is fine, just clic "rebuilt patch" at the bottom, a last windows will pop up showing you're new leveled list, activate the patch, it must be last in the load order, done!all IDform which are modified by Erso or other mods in regards to the original game are in, just rebuild the patch any time you add a change to your load order then if you try to have Live another life working, you are on a new playthrought right?2nd if it's a brand new play trought, with new install, do you have clean every thing first, dell all Skyrim folder, cleaned your registry etc...? if i'm right, make a real fresh install, backup the game with steam, you will have a c:\steam\backup folder with 8 "disc"del everything related to skyrim, then clean your disk, registry and go back to steam, install from backup, it'll take few minutes + DL dlc's , then you will have a fresh clean vanilla + DLC game installed.install just LaLife and use the official launcher, if it works, then install mods untill it doesn't, but i recommend always to install mods after Helgen which is a very sensitive place. hope it help @@ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meoix Posted April 2, 2013 Author Share Posted April 2, 2013 Hmm, I forget why I don't have that one module...Regardless. I am trying to use a new playthrough, though I've tested on many other saves as well.I haven't deleted everything in the skyrim folder, but when I reinstalled I did clean out my registry. If I delete everything I'd have to download everything again, and my ISP is a pain with a strict measly 40GB a month Download limit. (Only provider in the area sadly and I'm not the only one on my internet connection)So I was trying to avoid complete fresh reinstalls including all mods. I've done a full reinstall once before and it didn't work, I just didn't delete all my mods and such. I've used wyre bash in the past, I just figured with the problem occuring even with ERSO deactivated it wasn't nessary, can't hurt though. I'll give it a shot when I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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