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I have a few question on making a custom Bard.


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I suggest you start with a small step first then - a normal NPC with a smaller package. There are many guides how to create a NPC and attach packages to them. Bard seems to be at least an intermediate level as you want their package changed plus you want sound imported - thats basically 3 levels of modding imho.


As of the package - as with most of the things in the CreationKit the best way to learn about things is usually to use an existing thing, make a copy and learn what it is doing actually. Look at the setup, the coding and start making small bits of changes - i believe thats what most of us still do. You will need someone to help you with that sound conversion for sure as the formats seem to be very different. Check other bard mods and open them, learn from what they did and maybe even contact those authors directly to get some direct help - but first of all you have to start with the basics. And i believe that would be: how to create a general npc with a behaviour-package attached. There is an in-depth tutorial for that on the CreationKit.com-site - i believe this is a good start

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Well I'm interested in how you get on with this, I've followed what guides I could find on adding a bard, but still can't get it to work in my own call, making a bard is of pretty course easy, but getting the bard to play in a mod cell, well that seems to be a different matter...

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<p>There is actually a youtube video tutorial that shows a working bard in a cell. But it doesnt change the music - so thats another level then</p> Edited by dwiss
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Yeah I've seen that (seems there's only 1 so I'm guessing we're talking about the same video), the problem is, he puts his new bard in a cell that is already setup for a bard and it works flawlessly, BUT, if you create you're own place and put that same bard in it, you can get the bard dialogue about going to the college, but you wont get the lines about playing a song and they just stand around. Someone posted a reply to the video saying they got it working in their own cell, but the description he gave isn't quite detailed anough to follow, though I am still trying!

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Hm - did you check your faction settings? Your bard has to be in the BardSingerFaction faction afaik to work correctly. I havnt checked that in detail yet but there seems to be a quest attached to some of them called bardsongstarter or something similar. Edited by dwiss
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Ah - i think i know where your trouble comes from - you didnt adjust the package for your bard. The first entry in that package defines the cell - you need to update that to your new location.

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Thanks for that!! I'm not at home right now but I'll check that in a couple of hours. I have both bard factions listed though, set my cell as an Inn, setup the xmarker for bards playing spot, so I'll have a look at the package and see what I need to change, I will be very grateful if this fixes the problem (as I'm sure others will be that can use the info).

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TBH - i never did that myself yet - but i checked the playing bards information and compared them to a quick copy i did myself and that was one of the first things that caught my eye. When you copy from one bard to your new one it keeps the old information inside that package which includes the wrong cell reference of course

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