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Fun With Character Builds: A Staff-Based Battlemage


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So, I've invested well over 500 hours into Skyrim. I took a break for a while, but after rebuilding my desktop machine, I decided to get back into Skyrim and have s'more fun.


I installed a bunch of my favorite mods, and when browsing for others I might want, I found Staves of Skyrim.


I got to thinking.. Hmm, why not make a staff based character?


As far as magic-related mods go, I've got Apocalypse Spell Package, and Balanced Magic.


The build will go something like this. I decided to invest in Conjuration for giggles. I'm not sure exactly where my perk points will go in Block just yet; I still have some room to play there.


Anyway, I went Smithing so I could smith myself up some hefty armor (I play with a lot of armor mods; my current favorite is the Medusa Armor).


Some other fun builds I've done: Pure Illusion (WITHOUT any magic/spell mods!), A telekinesis mage (kills using just telekinesis; had to have a mod for that one to boost telekinesis damage, but it was entertaining :)), a boxing-only build, a poison-mancer (uses poison and reverse-pickpocket primarily; Pretty much pointless to even attempt the main quest, though :)), and more.


Has anybody else tried a build like this? I'm assuming so, but a quick Google search didn't reveal anything. I don't really see it being viable, though, without AT LEAST a staff-crafting mod, ideally with something like Staves of Skyrim.

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Why block? Can you block with staves?

Yup, with the Staves of Skyrim mod I linked to above.


I went ahead and installed Craftable Staves, as well as a scroll crafting mod, just to make the early levels a little less awkward (plus, it made more sense to me to be able to craft these things). I haven't had much time to play, but the mechanics thus far as pretty good! I usually summon a minion at the start of any group combat, and then switch to staves while my magicka regens. Keeping soul gems at this early level is proving a bit costly, but once I get my conjuration up for Soul Trap I should be golden (as well as once I can get the special perks for Staves of Skyrim). I'm going to do all the quests that involve staves (strangely enough, most of those are the most fun :)), just so I can have a massive collection :)


I'm also dropping Alchemy, and going without any sort of healing. I just buy out all the vendors of healing potions at the moment, anyway. Once I get the bulk of my primary perks, I'll probably think about doing Alchemy then, but it isn't a huge priority at the moment. With my armor, blocking, and magic resistance (as Breton), I'm pretty safe. Dragons can be a chore if I'm not able to hide from their blast, but that's rare.

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