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what is the skyrim hard-coded max level?


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with the "legendary" patch, bethesda slashed the maximum level with a greatsword.... now the maximum lvl you can get isn't 81 anymore. but i wonder if there's a max level like in oblivion. i know as well in oblivion it's 255 in everything (from stats, skill and level), it is the case in skyrim? if so, what is it?

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Interesting. I should go find out...


Edit: Okay, I just got to Level 256 with my latest character, and it only took going Legendary 165 times. My Health is still less than Alduin's, but it's way up there.


Disclaimer: I did cheat just a little, and I am using the Uncapper mod though I do limit the skills to 100. I only use the Uncapper to adjust the skill gain rates and a couple other minor things.

Edited by gsmanners
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whats the max cap on legendery skills how meny legendery levels is max ? iam just self levlel 95 :/ i have got like lockpicking 5 times 100 now so i have legendery level 5 but what is the max level ? Edited by rogue007
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I honestly don't think there is a max, but even if there is, it's kind of pointless. I mean, at level 256, I had over 200 perk points. Meaning, I could unlock every perk in every tree if I wanted to. At a certain point, the whole thing is just about getting levels, and that's just sort of pointless. You can definitely go over 100 Legendary for a single skill, so you could probably go thousands or who knows.

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