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Looking for armored robes


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So some stuff happened with my computer and I lost all of my mods and have to redownload everything. I used to have a mod that let me create armored versions of the normal mage robes (adept, apprentice, etc.), but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. They were craftable under the Leather category, and had identical stats to leather armor. I thought it was Immersive armors, but I don't see them listed there. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate any help.



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Thanks for the response. I saw that one, and I've found a couple of other armored robe mods that aren't what I had before, but I want the one I had before, dammit! Lol I'll probably just have to suck it up and download something different, at this rate. Or just wear actual armor. I've spent literally all day looking for it. Maybe I should just level the heck out of my Smithing skill until I can create witchplate...

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