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Blocking equipping an armor on certain slot


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How would you do it guys?


Im trying to add spell effect that prevents any armor from being equipped on certain slot.


akActor.UnequipItemSlot(32) - doesnt prevent re-equipping


akActor.equipitem(Armor, true, true) - it could work but needs some other armor, which I dont have.


I've been thinking of some invisible armor without actual model that could fill that role, but not even sure how to do it? Do I just leave mesh field empty?



Or is there some better method?

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Will unplayable box really make it invisible when equipped? I read its just invisible in inventory.


How would you make unequip event read is something is equipped at all? It wouldnt trigger. Or im wrong?

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I made this script that check if you have boots/shoes equipped and it removes them:


Removed the script because it's not good.

Edited by Derok
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