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Music won't play -or- only plays Dragon combat music


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I found this here and I'm putting it here just in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet. On the off chance that you are reading this first before trying anything, I recommend checking to see if this is the problem first. I spent a long time tweaking .ini files, updating audio drivers, alt-tabbing out of the game, removing every music track in console... This was obvious and I should have just gone and looked for a way to do this straight away.


Basically, you MUST have Skyrim's data in the same hard drive you have your main system data in. Telltale signs of this being a problem seem to be the music playing softly in the main menu, but then not playing anywhere else in game.


The easiest and frankly safest way to get all your data and mods moved over is to download and use this very handy tool:



Create a folder in the drive with your system data titled "Steam" (without the quotation marks), then simply follow the instructions to have all your files redirected there. May take a while to process, especially if you have a lot of mods or textures loaded, but this worked for me, and I've been searching for a long time now like a dummy.


The game still launches from Steam, all my mods are intact, and not only is there music now, there are sounds I didn't even know I was missing to begin with! I'm glad I didn't get too far in-game before I decided to buckle down and fix this. Hope this helps anyone who may have this problem.

Edited by DarkSenshi
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