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How do you force your character to sheath their weapon?


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I'm trying to finish my mod but I need a function or any other way to force my character to sheath their weapon. The reason is that my new animation does not work when my character is in "ready weapon" state. Or in other words, "weapon out" state. I used the function debug.SendAnimationEvent( , ) to play my new animation but it only works when my character is in "weapon sheath" state.

Or any way to ignore ready weapon state and use debug.SendAnimationEvent???? Or any way to force the game to press "R" automatically which is ready/sheath weapon key ???

I need help! Thank you so much in advance.

Edited by nopopup
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Why not simply check the state that the player is in?




Perform a negative check for the player's weapon or spell to be drawn/ready and only then allow the animation to take place. While at it, might want to ensure that the player isn't sneaking either.


i just tested isweapondrawn function and now my new animation works when my character is in "weapon out" state !!!! BUT after my new animation ends, my character does the idle animation of "weapon sheath" state and i can't click left or right and jump. But my new animation still works when i execute it(which is pressing F11. I used iskeypressed function to trigger my new animation). And weirdly, if i press 'R' key which is normally draw/sheath like 4 times, my character goes back to "weapon out" state which is what i want.

i don't know what is going on. Maybe I should end the new animation by force by a function or something? so that my character goes back into "weapon out" state immediately after my new animation ends??? i don't know... Thank you so much IsharaMeradin.

Edited by nopopup
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