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Mariage broblem: Playing as a women and a women tries to marry me?


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For someone to try to marry you (man or woman), you have to be wearing the Amulet of Mara. If you don't wear the Amulet while talking to them, they will not speak of marriage.

Nobody will want to marry you if you don't wear the Amulet.

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Ok. Thanks. So if italk to a man in the game wearing the amulet of mara, she starts to talk about marriage, am i rigth?

Only if that character is set up to be available for marrige in the game. Many characters that are potential spouses do not bring up the subject until you have done them a favor or completed a specific quest. You must be wearing the Amulet of Mara after the necessary trigger has been recored by the game. There are definitely characters that cannot be married because they are not scripted to be available to become your spouse. There are mods that let one work around these limitations if you desire.

Edited by mikeprok17
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You wanna know what's really weird? Everyone in Skyrim is straight, but the Dragonborn has the unique ability to turn people gay.


(You'll have to think about that one for a bit ... who's actually gay in Skyrim before the Dragonborn straps on her Amulet of Mara and throws a suggestive glace at Aela? There are straight couples everywhere you look, and not a little bestiality clustered in the Forsworn demographic [try not to think about Hagravens], but nobody is gay ... except the ones the Dragonborn makes that way.)


Hmm ... does anyone think Anise's letter suggests there's more than witchcraft going on in the covens?

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@RatcatcherOfKvatch: That's Bethesda playing safe. With such a huge game as Skyrim, with so much invested in it and potential for success, they avoided any kind of controversy. The most they ever had the balls to do openly in a main game was Arcade and Veronica in Fallout New Vegas, and it was terribly veiled. The player character only knew they were gay, but couldn't pursue a relationship with either.

Sexuality in games only serves two purposes: cheap porn/eyecandy (e.g. God of War), or character development (e.g. Dragon Age). Skyrim doesn't offer either of those things, so it's not a terrain they're willing to tread.

As for the Dragonborn defining people's sexuality... can you really blame them? There's a demi-god right there. Under Saarthal. Tending the Flames. Unfathomable Depths. Rise in the East. The Unrelenting Force. The Blade in the Dark. The Dragonborn Comes. :biggrin:

Edited by sisterof
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