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Asking for help for Control Binding (vive_pro)


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I would like to keep it simple


my opinion would be to map the specific direction on pad as individuals

Remove the total function from Default with the Right track pad. then assign each direction a specific function.

Primary function = Interact / Activate

East on Pad = Right turn

West on Pad = Left turn

North on Pad = Jump/sneak

South on Pad = __None___

Press in Pad = Activate / interact


**regarding the Favorites menu**

Use a configuration on the Left Hand "MENU" button

One Press = Pause / menu

Double Press = Favorite

Hold Press = wait timer


Purpose - Gains -- for the change

** No random pop-ups into favorites when turning.

** Able to Freely click away on the PAD for rapid interaction without Favorites pop-up

** The consistent gameplay and peace of mind that comes with avoiding pop-ups

** Better Utilization of input management


this would open up the Left grip, along with any additional functions to be custom.


my problem is I just cant seem to figure out how to get individual functions in place for what I want.


Additional Change request = Sneak UI placement.

I would much rather the ui for the icon to be bound to the back of the hand being used to loot.


** why? so I dont have to look up to the top of my head to see the status to see if im still hidden or not, having it on the hand while lockpicking or going thru cache objects is a must given the view point is your target not looking up into the sky.


Can Somebody Please Respond with a comment if you can look into this and help me figure out how to go about getting a more fluid experience

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