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Geez, forget about a post for a day or two and look what happens. When it comes to SBDs and all, I'd say Republic Commando, it's fun to have a challenge. As for the Borg shields, if you've ever watched any Star Trek, you realize that a LOT of the little details make no sense. (Like the redundancy that always happens. "They're creating a temporal vortex!" "Time travel!" No duh, Riker... Anyway...) Now, crashed Borg ships, Y'could do either a section of hull, with several Drones in it, in fact, what you could do is set up crashed hull sections in random spots over a good portion of the Wasteland, including one encampment with Borg who've had their link to the collective severed (free to be killed whether you care or not, obviously.) Or a single crashed Borg Shuttlecraft (Unusual, but not unheard of.) As for Canon? Of course not, but the Borg, who do yield temporal distortion abilities, can easily be explained in the Fallout Uni. Simple as the vessel was going back in time, via temporal trans-warp or something, to escape a Species 8472 Bioship, unfortunately, the Bioship managed to catch the wake (Much like the Enterprise E did in First Contact) and damages the Borg in Trans-warp, causing both vessels to enter a parallel universe (Fallout's), also causing both vessels to break out of Trans-warp and crash land, the Borg vessel falls apart in Earth's Atmo. some pieces land in the Capital Wasteland, and the Bioship runs into Jupiter or something. ^^


Obviously with that backstory for the Borg, I'm leaning t'ward something more of a Cube against a Bioship, not a Shuttlecraft.

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