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Anime sucks


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well i had to bring all my cards to the table. a straight isnt a straight when one is missing. *gathers the chips*


uh Kiren, ive noticed you've started a LOT of threads singe your membership, most of which are either pointless, already started, or like this one, begs to be burned. now as i understand it you are having a few comp probs and thats fine for a few threads. but when you post something about 'oh sum1 giv me an avatar' or 'cain u build houses in mw?' or 'that thing almost every1 luvs SUXRS muh NUTSRS!' it really makes people question you main.


im tired of this, someone else post...


*looks to Kiren* you deal.

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*Slaps untouchable1 for being a vigilante*

*Slaps himself for being a vigilante*


many are by different artists who have different ways of drawing.


No kidding, but have you seen that new sub-genre that's becoming popular now? I don't know what people call it, but it's "like" anime, except drawn and written in a different country, keeping animeish characteristics in mind.

Example one (and a poor one): Totally Spies

It's SUPOSSED to be anime, but it's very obvious that american writers are targetting young (american) girls. The main problem I have with it is it's stupid humor and the fact that it goes with the mouth stereotype of anime (I.E. The characters look like they're yawning when they talk.)

Example two: Code (BLAH BLAH BLAH, I can't remember... starts with an L) Looks French based. Has that "gothic anime" look to it. It's weird though... You can't figure out the story unless you've seen EVERY FREAKIN' EPISODE!! :veryangry:


Any way... Is there any one show that people feel is timeless? Classic? The best?

I'm Dragon Ball (the original) ALL THE FREAKIN' WAY!!!

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Dragon Ball

When I first saw that show I laughed to tears...it was so mind-blowingly stupid.



If I wanted to watch two men fly around, grunt, moan and punch eachother with superhuman stength I'll watch the Matrix Revolutions. [/not funny]


Although I kind of enjoyed Akira, but since I never even heard of the comic /manga before I saw the movie, I didn't fully understand it. The part where Tetsuo is hallucinating and his innards plop out is grand, though. Then the few seconds after that shows him desparetly trying to put his phantom guts back inside his body.


What a strange movie... ^_^


Granted, I did watch Dragon Ball Z religiously back in 4th grade, along with Pokemon... which I still admit is the best money making idea in a while. How many games are there? 20something?


If you're bored and want a cheap laugh, watch Yu-gi-oh. Christ, what a load of poorly done crap.


I <3 Japan.



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Haha, ah yes I used to be a great fan of Dragon Ball Z. But god, I don't know why. I look at it now and laugh...


As for these incredibly insulting to the genre titles that blatantly take off anime without being anime, I'd like to add "Beyblade" to the list. At least, I hope it's not actually japanese... :sick:

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GAH!! NOOOO! Not Dragon Ball Z!!! >_<


I said Dragon Ball, the series where Goku was a little kid with a tail, THAT was funny for real. Had almost NOTHING to do with action. What happened most often was that Goku would do the whole "power pole extend" stuff and the bad guy would fly into the wall (with out a dramatic atomic bomb explosion.)


Well, whatever.. ^_^

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