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Does Vortex Alter Mods' Texture-Mesh Links Upon Changing Profiles?


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After working to create a custom NPC-Follower in the CK, we enabled it in our current profile in Vortex and tested it, and it worked.

We did not start a new game, but when we loaded our current game, we saved, and then found our custom NPC at the in-game location in "expected" condition.

Our issue occurred when we enabled a different profile in vortex, and then enabled the same custom-NPC mod.

Our custom NPC textures seemed incomplete and "broken." (Not the forehead/blackface/neck-seam bug).

Upon checking the data texture/mesh folders in Creation Kit, with the new Vortex profile enabled, the mod had broken mesh-to-texture links.

Some links pointed to vanilla textures, some pointed to our mod-folders-textures.

We had built custom textures and meshes.

Did Vortex cause that? We CAN admit to likely human error on our parts too. We may have miswritten/mistyped texture paths in our NIF's.

But that wouldn't explain success in our first tested and enabled profile?

Thanks for review.

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