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CTD troubleshooting


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Hello nexus users this is my first post on the forum so please bear with me if there are any rules, mistakes, or general newbie comments I make in the following post. I'm not new to foruming but this is my first time here but from what I've gathered you all are a helpful group so here's hoping! But I digress let me get to my point.


I've been in the modding scene for a little under a year now so I'm not completely new to terminology and all that (something I'm sure you guys are glad to hear :P) but as of late, after I built my most recent gaming rig, I've come across a persistent amount of CTD's either at the title screen or just minutes into game play Here is a composed list of all the things I believe will help in troubleshooting.







SKSE version Im on




My load order (sorry if some are hard to see)




unknown mods in BOSS




My masterlist in wrye bash



I've also used TES5Edit to troubleshoot my CTD's but I find it a little to confusing tell whats going on with it


Here is also specs on my rig


AMD six core CPU

ASUS ROG formula-Z MoBo

EVGA Ge-force GTX 660 FTW: 2 gigs dedicated video memory

16 gigs (8x8) dual channel of Corsair vengeance RAM DDR3 @ 2k MHz


And to answer any future questions I know Ill probably get, yes I use NMM (exclusively) yes I use Wyre Bash, Yes I use BOSS log for load order and yes I use TES5Edit to troubleshoot.


TBH I have no Idea where to go from here I've tried several clean installs each time completely wiping my skyrim directory from my HDD. I would really appreciate any help in this matter, I really want to get back into skyrim especially with redguard potentially coming out soon :wink:

Edited by mellophonist
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First thing to do is to clean the plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits' using TES5Edit. You'll need to remove identical to master entries as well as undelete/disable deleted references. Step by step instructions available at the link provided by the BOSS log.


Second, do you randomly CTD mostly outdoors? In interior cells? During combat? With followers? Basically, any discernible patterns you have gathered based on your observations.

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Thanks for the reply! I saw the thing about dirty edits on boss but I've been a little bit apprehensive about doing it myself do you know of any good YouTube tutorial maybe? And to add I fixed my CTD menu crashes by running it as admin but 10 minutes into a new play through I CTD'ed again. But to answer the second part of your response, from what I've gathered its mostly prolonged sessions outdoors. it doesn't seem to be any interior cells of combat related.

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In the BOSS log, the link for downloading TES5Edit, that page contains the step by step instructions as well as a video by Gopher on how to clean plugins.


SkyTest has been known to cause CTDs in a large load order (as stated by the mod's author in its descriptions). When I had it in my load order eons ago, it was responsible for 90% of CTDs I experienced in the worldspace (although this was several versions ago). I recommend you uninstall it.

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