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R&D Equipment Loss on Mission Failure BUG


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Nevermind! I'm an idiot. It's been so long since I've played through a whole game of XCOM, I forgot how terror and council missions worked. You're right, that'd be bad.


Right now, I'm wondering if we can somehow maybe repurpose the different mission result returns. Such as that:


1 = Victory

2 = Defeat or Abandoned

3 and 4 would be special conditionals that apply to the Terror/Council missions. Thus, in my code, instead of if(m_iResult != 1), we could check if(m_iResult = 2). And then, so long as losing all civilians or losing the VIP returned a 3 or 4 perhaps, everything would work.


I'll have to look more closely into how m_iResult is assigned and used now. Thanks for the direction and letting me bounce ideas off you!




EDIT: Still, I'm confused. The original code states:

if((m_iResult != 1) && kSoldier.IsCriticallyWounded())
        iHP = 0;
        kTransferSoldier.CauseOfDeathString = XComGameReplicationInfo(class'Engine'.static.GetCurrentWorldInfo().GRI).m_kGameCore.UnknownCauseOfDeathString;

So if that's the case... shouldn't soldiers who are bleeding out in a Terror Mission when all civilians are dead be lost anyways? Not saying that's a good thing, but, if that isn't the current behavior, then we're missing something that's already preventing them from dying. Are we sure that clearing the map of aliens in a Terror Mission after all civilians are dead doesn't produce a m_iResult of 1 regardless?

Edited by SteelShrike
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I'm not completely sure what the current behavior is in some of the 'lose mission' states where loss isn't due to all soldier dead.


In vanilla I think reaching these lose conditions is fairly rare, so it may not be well known how they end and they could be a bit "off" without people complaining about it too much. Some mods though (I'll confess I'm thinking of Long War here :D ) make this sort of thing more common.


The only two mission fails that should cause all soldiers dead and all equipment lost (that I can think of) is the Bomb Disposal mission and the new Chryssalid Hive mission.


Terror missions, FC Extraction/Rescue missions shouldn't result in all soldiers at death if mission is failed for mission-objective reasons.


But ... I can't say I'm sure what the vanilla state is... particular since some new mission end conditions were added in EW (e.g. some EXALT missions can be completed with success without killing all EXALT soldiers).

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I wonder, too, if stabilizing a soldier means that he's no longer critically wounded, which would make setting up the exact scenario in which to test the behavior even that much harder to reproduce. You'd essentially only have 3 turns after a soldier goes down to clear the map of aliens then.


Looks like I'm going to have to start a pre-modded XCOM campaign afterall and see if I can set up just such a scenario. :D

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Okay, so. I managed to sorta stumble into the scenario described above, unmodded. I was in the mission where you have to escort Thorne, the rogue politician, to the Skyranger. One of my soldiers got critically wounded early on.


If you stabilize the squad member and Thorne makes it to the Skyranger, and you kill all the rest of the aliens, the soldier can be recovered.

If Thorne dies, and you stabilize the soldier, you're given the chance to reach the extraction point (the mission doesn't end with Thorne's death.) The squad member, even though stabilized, is left behind.

If Thorne dies, and you stabilize the soldier, but clear the map, the soldier survives.

If Thorne survives, and you stabilize the soldier, but abort the mission without killing the rest of the aliens, the soldier is left behind.


I wasn't able to test without stabilizing the soldier, because I didn't have enough turns to finish the mission. But going off these results, my assumption is that the results will be the same.


The most interesting is the third result, which proves that, while the original code checks if the mission is a failure AND if the soldier is critically wounded, that the soldier dies. Yet the mission was a failure, and the soldier survived. Stabilizing him may be the difference here. I saved the mission so maybe I'll go back and see if I can get another soldier critically wounded near the end and test to see if not stabilizing him makes a difference.

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