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Instant Game Crashing


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Okay, so I've pretty much all but given up playing FO:3, which makes me really sad, I love FNV and all, but there's just something about FO:3, especially with the mods, that just made it f*#@ing amazing. Anyways, Fresh install, no mods, patched to 1.7. I'm not doing anything dumb, it literally just freezes as soon as I come shooting out Mom's vagina. Farthest I've ever gotten was once I made it all the way to the Special book and I about s#*! my pants, then the game froze and I gave up for like 6 months, now I'm back. Same problem. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, 8GB of RAM, 512 MB of VRAM, DirectX11 (Which I've heard might be the problem) 2.26GHz Quad core i5. This rig has never run FO:3 but my deskptop with 1GB RAM, 3GHz single core, and a 512MB card (Directx 9) will play it. Please help, I know the community for this game is a bit dead, but I f*#@ing love this game. I need help. I'm tired of playing it on xbox without mods.

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tiy991 - Hello!

Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.

"2.26GHz Quad core i5."

That'll be the trouble, you've got a quad core now.

Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


That's why your single core setup ran it fine before.

There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

The one you want to change is:

For XP:

My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

For Vista & Win7:

Documents\My Games\Fallout3

The file you want will be called:


Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




& insert this line under it:


Save & close your ini.

Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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I don't know whether to drop to me knees and cry and scream in a fit of rage despair and frustration, or thank you profusely and shut the f*#@ up and conquer the capital wasteland... Either way, it works, and I'm about to beat Butch's face in mercilessly. I think I'll take all my frustration out on him... Yeah... Butch, here I come. Thank you so f*#@ing much Prensa, you don't know how much trouble I've had trying to get this game to work on this rig. Edited by tiy991
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I've followed this exactly, and mine still won't get past the birth scene. The same problem he mentioned in the OP.


I guess all I can do is post my system info and hope you guys can help.



Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4096MB of RAM

1696MG of VRAM, Intel HD Graphics Family

Using DirectX 11

2.10GHz Intel Quad Core i3


I have the latest patch, and my issue is the same the OP had, without the same happy ending.

Edited by RedRyette
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RedRyette - Hello!


"I've followed this exactly, and mine still won't get past the birth scene. The same problem he mentioned in the OP."


If it's freezing then it's most likely the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


You say you've applied the fix, did you definitely edit the correct .ini?


Common mistake to edit the Fallout_default.ini that's in the Fallout folder where the Data folder is.


The one you want to edit is, for Win7:

Documents\My Games\Fallout3

The file you want will be called:



Make sure you take care of both lines.


If still no joy, post your load order as it may help someone to spot a problem.


Hope this helps!



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I believe your trouble is a combination of a CPU that is not quite up to the requirements and Intel HD Graphics chip. Intel Graphics were never made to meet the demands of a graphics heavy computer game. There is a work around available on the Nexus, however, I do not advise nor endorse using it. It may result in overheating your chip resulting in early failure.

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Okay, I haven't read the the post above this one yet, but the guide I was following told me to edit to Fallout_default.ini for a Steam version. I'll presume that was my problem, and I'll go fix it now. I guess I should also put that ini back to it's original state?



As for the graphics card, I don't really know anything about that stuff. I haven't been able to get past the birth scene, as I stated above, but I've been able to run Oblivion, and even Skyrim pretty well. But if I have any issues with it, I'll check around Nexus. Thanks

Edited by RedRyette
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Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4096MB of RAM


(1696MG of VRAM, Intel HD Graphics Family)


Using DirectX 11

2.10GHz Intel Quad Core i3

Get me the exact specs of that chip set and I'll see what I can find t o allow you to safely use the game on that PC. Some HD machine just will not process the codes. I own 2 such machines for editing the game only but the machine will not run the game, nor load the geck either.



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It seems to be running perfectly fine about a half an hour in. Thanks so much! I'll look up my chip and give you the details, Purr. I'll put it in an edit.

I actually don't know how to find what I'm looking for, through google... Could you tell me where to look for details on that?


Also, I forgot to mention that I downloaded Directx 9. I heard that Directx 11 might be an issue, so I did that last night. I didn't try the game again until after I'd edited the correct ini file, so I don't know if that actually helped me at all. But if you're still having an issue after the ini fix, try that too.

Edited by RedRyette
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