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Slow Morrowind


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I decided to start a new file on Morrowind, but when I did, it was horribly laggy, plus the guard never came down so I was stuck staring at Juib for 5 minutes before I quit. I havent a clue what might have done this because I havent added or removed any mods since last time I played and it worked fine. The only things I have done to my computer recently is run Ad-aware (spyware removal program) and I defreagmented my computer. Ever since I did both, its been slow, but I can barely play Morrowind now. My question is: Does anyone know how I can speed this pile of junk up? It needs to get an upgrade, but I cant right now. However, it was never this bad.




I went back to another file I was playing and I was getting like 5 FPS on an interior (Seyda Neen Tradehouse), and thats what I normally get in Balmora (the exterior)...

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Go into the options menu, then go into the video tab. Make sure that the draw distance bar is way down. Not all the way down, but less than a fourth of the maximum. That should stop the lagging mostly.


To actually speed up the computer, try going into start menu -> program files -> accesories -> system tools - > disk cleanup.


If that doesn't work, I can e-mail you a program that monitors your virtual memory, and is able to restore it on sight. It's called MemTurbo. And if all that doesn't work, I can email you a way to tweak something called your memory's 'paging file.'


Also run a check for viruses. You can download AVG (Anti-Virus Guard, the best one out there) from the AVG website for free.


What kind of processor and memory do you have?

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Not sure exactly. How can I find out?


And I tried re-installing Morrowind, I havent tried playing it yet, but I will tonight. And thanks for the help, I'll look into those.



13 Viruses. But after they were removed, it took slower than ever for my poor computer to reboot...

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Ooo... 13 of those babies. That's a lot. Anyways. I have a way that might fix your rebooting problem. Go into the start menu, click on "run," and type in "msconfig." A window will pop up. Go to the "startup" tab. This gives you a list of the programs that the computer starts running when it boots up. Go ahead and uncheck things that you don't need. The column labeled "command" tells you where the program is coming from. Don't uncheck anything that's in the WINDOWS folder!!!! That means it's probably important! But stuff like quicktime, real jukebox, msn messenger, ya know, stuff that really is not important.


And as for your processor and memory...


What kind of computer do you have? A dell? Something else? Check for a sticker somewhere on your computer. Sometimes intel likes to put stickers on all computers with Intel processors.


To find out how much memory you have, right click on "my computer," and click on "properties." A window will come up entitled "system properties," and under the "general" tab (which you should already be under), there are a list of statistics and properties of your computer. Look for something that says, "256 MB of RAM" or "512 MB of RAM." RAM = Random Access Memory.

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Eiade... Eiade, Eiade, Eiade...


Tsk, tsk, tsk... That was... Just wrong. All wrong.


...Adras, I've got a little bit of a longshot explanation for you... If you have Morrowind FPS Optimizer, retrieve mw_fps_opt.ini from the installation folder and put it up as an attachment here. If you don't, just give the word...


It would also be helpful if you would check up on the running processes. If you have a Windows NT-based OS installed, do a three-fingered salute and open up the task manager, then check the list of running processes for something that may be eating up your CPU. If you have Windows 9x, you'll have to do some guesswork as the option to sort processes by CPU usage is not avaliable from the task manager. Although I don't know much about Windows 9x or MSInfo, if you execute MSInfo32 (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information) you may be able to get a better listing of processes.


...Also, I highly suggest that you not only avoid hacking at all the startup items outside of %windir%, but also get a bit better firewall and antivirus -- Avast and Sygate have suited me quite well, and they're easy enough to use.

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Holy crap... No wonder... My CPU Useage was at 100%!!! I didnt notice it before, but in the Processes, it shows how much certain things are using. Java was using 97% of it!!! I turned it off and its back down at 1%-3% iseage. I gotta go test Morrowind. I'll update when I'm back.
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