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Make Waterfalls Not Glow in the Dark


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I am looking for advice on how to make waterfalls not glow in the dark when the ambient light levels have been lowered. Climates of Tamriel seems to have the effect in place for its darker dungeons variants. I'm working on my own darker dungeons mod to my taste, but even if I lower the ambient light levels, fog, and everything to complete pitch black zero, fast-moving water meshes still show up as pale white in the pitch black. If anyone can explain how to make those elements not behave that way, please let me know. The same question applies to fog meshes (not the ambient fog, but "physical" fog elements in the cell).


Working with ENB has helped. I have most fast-moving water and waterfalls only lit up when actual lighting is on them. Interior waterfalls seem to be completely improved. This also required mindflux's fix. However, even with all that, large oudoor waterfalls are still glowing in the dark. I mean, I tried setting the current weather to one where everything is completely pitch dark. Literally, everything, even the stars, is all pitch black, and you can still see the waterfall. I tried changing every value in the ENB setting to 0, and the only thing that has any effect is the brightness setting, which of course turns everything off all together, so that's no good. This waterfall glow won't die!

Edited by dootdoot
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