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Nature inspired Spirggan armor.


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Ive seen maybe 2 Spriggan armor mods total on Nexus, and neither of them really seem to feel right. In short I really want to do something like this because I just recently got the Dryad race mod and Wrath of Nature mod, so I feel it would go great for a nature dwelling Shaman-esque character. I would appreciate any kind of feedback thought! Anything to inspire our wonderful modders to take up the idea. =)


I imagine it looking more like bark, giving off a light moss tone vines or leaves playing up the legs and chest peice, maybe ending with more green up top towards the hands or helmet. I'm heavily inspired by the idea of making it look like parts of a tree molded into the person, if that makes sense.


Also if anyone chooses to work on it can you try and make it compatable with CBBE and UNP, I figured you would anyways, but why not request just incase? Also different armor types would be nice.


-P.S. my personal idea; I imagined it kind of looking like a hollowed out tree trunk at the base working its way up the body like branches, giving a stout almost hulking looke on males, but maintaining a sleek almost sext look on females. Btw, first post in the forums so I apologise in advance!



-Edit: Upon further thought I think it would also be cool to have something like a bark shield or a spriggan inspired staff, maybe both. :)

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This was posted a year ago but... You're not alone! If you're even still on the Nexus. I keep seeing things similar to the type of armor I'm after on certain stand alone followers but no links to their armors and they don't come with the stuff in the screen shots. Annoying.


What you described sounds cool. I have no idea how to build armor mods but, solidarity, I guess. Looking for something similar. If I ever manage to figure out how to create more than a character preset, I'll take a whack at this. Might be a while though.

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I would also like to see this kind of thing, there are druid style magic mods so why not make some armour to go with it? I'd do it if I could, hopefully someone with some skill could do it.

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