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Mod request: FWE lite!


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I know this may sound odd, and alot will prob be annoyed by the request, and sorry for that..but..


I am asking for anyone out there, who can 'reduce' fwe down to some basics.. removing much of what it has (As I see it as pointless and illogical changes)


What I'd like to keep are the realism, basic needs, 'auto' hack/lockpick options, skill/special/bobblehead changes, skillbook changes, and other 'realism' effects that are not just there for the sake of 'change'


What I most defiantly want REMOVED, is all the extra weapons and ammo types, all the 'altered' vanilla weapons(Except those that have to be changed due to realism changes), explosive entries(illogical addition to fwe imo, what moron would strap a grenade to a safe in the hope it would 'crack' it?)


The issue with FWE is it adds so much to the game, and makes the game worth additional playthroughs, but there is no option (in game or out) to remove some aspects of the mod. Your either stuck with it all or none. the very basic groundwork of the mod is enough imo, and the 'extra' stuff just seems to destroy all that FWE originally added.


Anyways, thanks for reading.

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Crash course in modding 101.:


use fo3plugin utility to make your own esp, give it a name as close to FWE as possible so you can load it and fwe together and not conflict when you add things to it.


use fo3edit, and pick from fwe esm and it's esps what you want, place these into your plugin, it will make FWE as master, you will be changing this later.

once the plugin is made, you load it, and test it, do not think for an instance any saved game will be ok, you need afresh one right from the beginning of the game as a testing stage for your own work. use that only and always hard save so you can revert each time back to a fresh start, nevermore use a saved game after you hard save it during development processes unless you want to see the change, where the changes take place are most important are from the start.


once completed, and you belive your satisfied with what you made, you remove the master header for FWE in your plug in, rename it to FWE so your other mods that use it will comply with your choices. now the hard part, that new plug in will generate errors, you need to fix each one by hand 1 by 1 slowly, and you need to have the original FWE esm and esp renamed different ly but loading at the same time to find the correct data stored in your plugins error locations, it's there , believe me, the engine just can't determine what line it needs, you must now tell it. when your all finished and it loads with no errors, you have created your own version of the mod you like so much and can dispense with it for ever. all your other plugins are searching for just a files name "FWE.esm" or what ever mod you want to use. file names are the key, IF you don't want any of the FWE funny things at all, make a blank plugin using it's name, the other mods will inject data into it, sense there is not data there to cause a conflict, you can rock and role with all the mods that want that as a master file, how ever, some mods that need data from that master, you better have or the game will not work.



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  • 4 weeks later...

You can download primary needs and all those mods as smaller files. FWE meerly just takes a collection of mods edits some stats and adds some weapons.


FWE is a revamp of the game itself, it may not be for you. That is fine and nothing wrong with that. Kitty's approach will work but honestly doing that will take lots of time and will involve many CTDs and lots of trial and error not only that but you might get a ctd before another ctd and have conflicing ctds (there are many scenarios that can happen).


I suggest uninstalling FWE.


Every single mod you mentioned that you want in your game. Can be found as a much smaller individual package. I suggest uninstalling your overhaul, and installing the smaller packages instead.


Then make the tweaks to the weapons yourself with fo3 edit to meet your own desires.


This way, you don't deal with crazy form ID references. You don't deal with stupid scripts you don't care about. And you most definately don't have to worry about much compatibility because you minimized the amount of scripts that are implemented. (although compability may still be an issue.)


Not only that, but you also optimize your memory you save on yoru computer, and you may even improve efficiency, since you will no longer require the same esm / esps as FWE and you will not bring any technical misstakes the modders made in making FWE, FWE. No matter what anyone says, there are flaws in any non-trivial program. So if all you want are those features, use those features only and weed out and delete everything else.


Just do a fresh re-install of all mods with individual mods instead of a overhaul.


There are options.

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If your concern is "realism" remember that a video game and all these guns are meerly just statistical calculations. Sit down by yourself, and write out logical mathmatical formulas that balance your guns (keeping in mind logic and reason in reality) since virtually, you can't have realism in a video game. You can meerly just mimic it. So you have to bend realism to "create" realism. Anyway, what you would do is say something like this.


Say life = x, damage = z, weapon spread = y.


Very basic example here.


You have a shotgun, you want the damage to = life. So therefore z = x, meaning if they get hit by this shotgun, they die. That is pretty realistic. IF i get shot in the chest by a 2 barrel shotgun point blank my chest explodes and i am instantly dead.


So the issue is. Weight of the shotgun, strength of the player. All these factors play a role in weapon spread. But weapon spread is a key mechanic to your game. So if you REALLY wanted to realistic, you can make strength affect weapon spread same with small guns. Then you would have to remove the feature in small guns that adds damage to shotguns because that makes no realistic sense. Then when you do that, you have to take in consideration bethesda created the whole game around the idea you can make your guns stronger with small guns. So now you have to tweak your original formula x = z to accomodate your damage adjustments.


lets replace x with f(x) , in this scenario f(X) = 1/2x . therefor in this realistic version of the game 1/2x= z so now we have a balance issue, since you added a realistic component to an already balanced game life is now 2z = x. Life is twice the amount of x and now it takes 2 point blank shots from a shotgun to kill a raider in point blank.


Now you have to go back to all the raiders, and adjust there health. But when you adjust their health, your not taking in factor explosives. Traps. Sniper rifles. Assult rifles. The Fat Man.

There are many factors.


So by making the shotgun realistic. You might make the sniper rifle unrealistic. So then you make the sniper rifle realistic. But by doing that, you make the shotgun unrealistic.


Now you have to take in consideration armor types. What they are how they work what they do, how realism is what realism is. A bullet is gonna penetrate leather armor pretty easly. Where as it should just flick right off metal armor and power armor. Power armor is big and bulky and all you need is to complete some quest without and requirements to wear it?


There are many things you can take in consideration that are simply unrealistic, the design of power armor and looks of it show that your flexibility should be highly crippled. Yet you can still move and be agile and your various restirctions in the game. I see no reason why someone with such bulky armor should be able to weild a sniper rifle from long distance and accurately aim it.


But the issue with making all the adjustments in a game. It takes away the fun, the pleasure and the entertainment. Some people enjoy that kind of gaming. Some dont. Most people don't. So its safe to just make the game fun and rich. Remember it is a GAME after all, you have options to have fun and just toy around and enjoy yourself. It does not have to be realistic, it does not have to go along a story and it doesn't have to make sense. You can adjust and tweak realism (to acceptable realism) so you can maintain a "game mechanic" in your design. That way, people can still enjoy the uniqueness of how to play your game, and appreciate everything at the same time.


Instead of having to worry about a million realisitc problems that make life a living hell. As i promise you a sniper in real life has to take in account a million things when firing at long distance, instead of just aming directly at a head and getting a boost with a auto-aim script that is implemented in all FPS games.


Hope this was helpful!

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