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Graphics Update


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Okay, first, I would like to say two things.


1 - I do NOT have a problem with vanilla graphics. I simply prefer to twist everything around to better suit my tastes. It's not that I have a problem, it's that they simply don't suit me (and no, I do not consider that a problem). So please do not flame me for that.


2 - I have an almost embarrassingly low-end system. I can play Skyrim on the lowest graphics settings and get away with using high-end textures, but that's about it.


That being said...


Can someone direct me to some fairly "realish" graphic replacers that won't whomp the ever-loving crap out of my system? I say real-ish and not real-istic because I don't want it to look like earth...I want it to still look like Nirn.



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