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Generic Dialog for Custom NPC

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Yes, it looks like each race gets it's own folder, as I have a folder named "Breton" for my ESP. Bummer. But... what about Martin or Mankar Camoran? They're still standard Imperial and High Elf, no custom races, yet still they have unique voices that don't overlap with the generic stuff.

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My latest playthrough (which has lasted since 2014) uses some mods that restore some idle dialogue (plus I was level 30 some odd before I started the main quest ... alt start mod) so I can't say for certain what their vanilla behaviour may be. I can recall some Blades dialogues, but I don't recall any of the other generic race dialogue for Martin or Jauffre. Maybe you're on to something.


I do know that if you have Skip Fallout Behaviour ticked on an AI Package the NPCs won't say any idle dialogues (e.g. Conjurers and Necromancers). Maybe that's another avenue to explore.

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If you create a custom race, you would only need to rename the folder, nothing else.


As for the initial question, I believe it should be possible to have an NPC with fully custom voice, but you would need to produce voiced lines for ALL possible topics (including HELLO/GOODBYE, combat taunts, etc.) and condition them accordingly. Also, if you use "Random" flag on topic responses, make sure that the last one also has a "Random End" flag, otherwise they can potentially get in the same random pool as vanilla ones.

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My latest playthrough (which has lasted since 2014) uses some mods that restore some idle dialogue (plus I was level 30 some odd before I started the main quest ... alt start mod) so I can't say for certain what their vanilla behaviour may be. I can recall some Blades dialogues, but I don't recall any of the other generic race dialogue for Martin or Jauffre. Maybe you're on to something.


I do know that if you have Skip Fallout Behaviour ticked on an AI Package the NPCs won't say any idle dialogues (e.g. Conjurers and Necromancers). Maybe that's another avenue to explore.


Well, Jauffre has the default Breton voice, so everything fine there. Martin does actually have a few lines in the Generic quest, which are also the topmost. Whether that's important or not I don't know.

Skip Fallout Behavior is unticked for my character as I actually want them to be able to say random stuff to other NPCs.


If you create a custom race, you would only need to rename the folder, nothing else.


As for the initial question, I believe it should be possible to have an NPC with fully custom voice, but you would need to produce voiced lines for ALL possible topics (including HELLO/GOODBYE, combat taunts, etc.) and condition them accordingly. Also, if you use "Random" flag on topic responses, make sure that the last one also has a "Random End" flag, otherwise they can potentially get in the same random pool as vanilla ones.

Good to know that I'd only need to rename the folder, that'd sure save a lot of time, thanks.


My initial question was not if it's possible to have a fully voiced NPC. I also mentioned I already have all needed voiced lines ready to be used. It's just about not having it mixed up with vanilla generic dialog (as I'm, as of now, not using a custom race for my character).


But another good tip about the "Random End" flag, I'll check that out, thanks.

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