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3rd Person mounted archery reticle centers on horse, not above head?


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I realized I probably put this in the wrong forum, so I'm resposting here to see if anyone mgiht be able to shed some light :)


Here's the problem, NOT major, but still seriously bugging me lol


when I'm mounted on my horse and I draw my bow, I notice that after a shot or two, the cursor repositions itself smack in the middle of the horse's body, fully obstructing my view and making mounted achery useless. When I start out, the cursor is nice and above my character and arrows go where I aim. This also happens when scrolling my mouse wheel once I've drawn the bow to zoom in a bit, again taking the cursor from above my character to the middle of the horse's body. I COULD be wrong, but I don't think that's supposed to happen.


Tried looking for some mods that might address this, haven't found any yet (though I tried Immersive Huds hoping it might help, it didn't but still, nice mod, gonna keep it hehe, & can't get Enhanced 3rd Person view to work at all). I am using convenient horses, and the ini tweaks listed at STEP, nothing has helped so far.


Just wondering if anyone has had this problem, knows of a fix, or if this is infact normal, and I just didn't notice it til now for some strange reason.



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Combat on horseback is a PITA. The only fun thing about it is using a sword like the Ebony Blade and pretending to play polo with wolves as the polo ball :P


I haven't noticed such issues, but then I can't hit anything from horseback. I always have to turn the horse and try to shoot from the side instead of directly in front. If I don't, I hit the horse in the head even if the bow is pointing above the horse. I prefer to dismount and fire my bow.

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Thanks, I think... :P


I actually tend to be pretty good with a bow on horseback, and with convenient mods, it makes gathering hides all kinds of fun... as long as that aim reticle stays where it should :)


Anyone else?


Thanks again

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