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Glowing eyes bug


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This is a well known bug, with a well known fix. Unfortunately, this fix doesn't appear to work for me.


I have faithfully followed the directions;


"- In third person, open the console and enter "player.addspell 000f71d"

- Close the console and notice a slight darkening around your character
- Open the console again and enter "player.removespell 000f71d1"
- Close the console and your eyes should stop glowing."
But, they have no effect after completing them. I have had this bug before, and this worked that time. Now I have it again.
I have exhausted Googles information on this bug, and there don't appear to be any other fixes, nor other people complaining that the fix doesn't work. Could this have something to do with the latest update?
If anyone has an idea on how I can get rid of those ugly glowing eyes, I would really appreciate it!
Edited by Anubis4545
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