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Help, questions about custom packages songs!


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In the creation kit, I added a custom music for "MUSCastleImperial01", and also added a song in "MUSCastleStormcloak01." Both are located in the "Music Track". But in the "Music Type" there is a package called "MUSCastle." Should I put these two songs in this package for them work in the game or do not need? My intention is not to mix the songs, but to ensure that works exclusively in certain places. For example, if I'm in the imperial castle, will only play the music that I added to them. If I'm in the castle of Stormcloak, will only play the music that I added to this bunch. I do not want to appear other songs castle, so I separated the imperial and Stormcloak. If I put the "MUSCastleStormcloak01" and "MUSCastleImperial01" inside the package "MUSCastle", any castle will play music from both, alternating?

Edited by FillipeMattos
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