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How to fix busted savegame system for skyrim ?


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Let me explain: i currently have 2 skyrim setups 1 is with mods and the other is with 0 mods. Now both are acting the very same way. when i first start a new game both works fine, here comes the problem. Now i make just 1 savegame each. exit skyrim completely then restart skyrim again. and boom now i am forced to load this savegame 3 or 4 times before it even loads. it will just crash back to desktop till it will finally load the game after 3 or 4 tries.


My game is currently running on the latest patch, and this bug has been bugging me for a long time now.

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If you use autosaves or quicksaves, disabling them may drastically reduce your savegame issues, assuming proper handling of mods.

I get a corrupt save game maybe once every couple months of play, usually because I accidentally save while a script is in the middle of executing. It is easily fixed by reverting to the previous save.

When I was playing with auto and quick saves, like you, I found it hard to progress a character because of savegame frustrations.

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Actually i need autosave i hate using console to save a simple game.. sometimes i just forget to save and if you haven't you will lose much more progress when skyrim decides to suddenly crash without a warning... Anyway even oblivion did not have this much problem when saving from what i remember.. They really killed this game this time, didn't they ??


Is there a tool available that auto saves after a while ?? not they auto save by skyrim but something similar like oblivion has streamline witch will save after while i have not seen anything like this for skyrim yet.

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