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Billionth microstutter case


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ObliviousParticle, you don't happen to have, Amazing Follower Tweeks installed on your game do you?

I keep getting some micro stutter infecting my saves also, I've learnt to keep tonnes of regular back ups, and just have to go back a few each time one save gets 'infected'.

Why would that mod do that? I do have UFO...


But I have a habit of deleting a save and then making a new save, meaning I've effectively got it in all my saves if you are on to something. I'll try starting a new game with no mods.


Edit: Ok so I tried disabling all mods, removing the textures and meshes folder, and then starting a new game on top of those. The stutter was still there.

Edited by ObliviousParticle
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Well, it sounds like it is definitely driver related.


I think you need to solve your gaming profile issue in order to get any further. So I started reading up on your drivers, radeon pro, etc...and I realized the pic you posted is actually not RadeonPro, but rather your basic catalyst driver utility. Similar to my NVidia card, the basic driver control is not much use, it seems. I think you need to go here and read about Radeon Pro and how to set your gaming profile. You can download the tool here.


Once you get that up, I would suggest limiting your fps to 58 (because 60 can cause microstutter in 60hz monitors, also because it may provide smoother performance in any case, especially if your microstutters are caused by botttlenecking or general eneven fps performance).


I would also recommend you set disable your AA and AF as Ripple instructs. I have not used an FXAA injector, but when I forced my AF and AA through my graphics grad, I forgot to make a change in my .ini files and ended up with stuttering/lagging. It may be a similar effect you are seeing.

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Well, it sounds like it is definitely driver related.


I think you need to solve your gaming profile issue in order to get any further. So I started reading up on your drivers, radeon pro, etc...and I realized the pic you posted is actually not RadeonPro, but rather your basic catalyst driver utility. Similar to my NVidia card, the basic driver control is not much use, it seems. I think you need to go here and read about Radeon Pro and how to set your gaming profile. You can download the tool here.


Once you get that up, I would suggest limiting your fps to 58 (because 60 can cause microstutter in 60hz monitors, also because it may provide smoother performance in any case, especially if your microstutters are caused by botttlenecking or general eneven fps performance).


I would also recommend you set disable your AA and AF as Ripple instructs. I have not used an FXAA injector, but when I forced my AF and AA through my graphics grad, I forgot to make a change in my .ini files and ended up with stuttering/lagging. It may be a similar effect you are seeing.

I actually downloaded RaedonPro when you mentioned it before, I already tried capping it to 30fps and 60fps which didn't work. I just now tried 58fps and it doesn't work.


I found someone through google who said it was a bit normal for them and that the microstutter comes and goes with different driver updates. I'm going to try and go through more older versions...

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Though turning off AF seems to have a big impact on lowering it. Which kind of tells me, it's something to do with textures. But it could just be that completely disabling AF makes theworld of difference in performance.... even if for some reason, performance seems a bit irrelevant -_-


But your problem ("micro-stuttering in Skyrim") is 'performance-related', regardless of what's causing it. The whole point of that function of FXAA is to reproduce the 'soft edges' effect of AA while alleviating 'stuttering' and 'micro-stuttering' sometimes caused by stress on your GPU when AA is enabled. So when you have AA enabled either in the game settings or via CCC, it nullifies whatever performance benefit you might gain from using FXAA.


The other thing you can try is to install -just- the Catalyst display driver and none of the other junk that comes with CCC. There are no assurances this will help in anyway. Just something you can consider trying. That's what I am doing now and it's made my system more stable. The downside is that you can't access the CCC adjustment settings because CCC isn't installed (but you can possibly use another utility like RadeonPro to do it--although I haven't).


To install just the Catalyst display driver, first do a clean uninstall of your current display driver.


1) Download and install a utility like 'Driver Sweeper' or 'Driver Fusion', but don't use it yet.


2) You can uninstall it via the Windows control panel or using the AMD driver uninstallation utility.


3) Reboot the PC and go into Windows 'safe mode', use 'Driver Sweeper' or 'Driver Fusion' to analyze and clean orphan AMD display driver files, then reboot into normal Windows mode.



Now you can install only the display driver from latest Catalyst Software Suite.


1) Double-click on the Catalyst installation package executable. The installation will half on a screen which notes where the installation folder is (for example: 'C:\AMD\Support\12-3_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc'). Make a note where this folder is located, then click on 'Next/Install' to continue with the installation.


2) The installer will extract the files to that folder and then launch the AMD Catalyst Install Manager. Click on "Cancel", then click on "Yes" to exit the AMD Catalyst Install Manager.


3) Go to Start and type in "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotes) then press Enter when devmgmt.msc shows up at the top of the search box.


4) In Device Manager, click on the +/> sign next to Display adapters. Right click on 'Standard VGA....' and select 'Update Driver Software.'


5) Select 'Browse my computer for driver software. Locate and install driver software manually.'

Select the directory path of the extracted driver files you made note of in step 1) and ensure that "Include subfolders" is checked. Click on 'Next.' The display drivers will then install without the rest of the CCC junk.

Edited by ripple
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I get that, and when I said it was seemingly irrelevant I was referring to the fact that no matter how much performance I squeeze out it's still there. Unless I went with the lowest of the low settings, which would officially make this computer worse than my older one that has way worse specs.... I've tried a different driver that finally didn't crash every game on my computer and it's STILL there. It's like no matter what I do, I'm going to have a stutter FOREVER despite it NEVER being there before.


I also tried to do what you did ripple and ended up getting a blue screen, besides I play on an HDTV and so I need the CCC...


Thanks for the help though guys.

Edited by ObliviousParticle
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I have a 6950 2G on Win8 x64 and i DO NOT recommend using AMD_Catalyst_13.2_Beta7 as bad issues with skyrim (mesh tearing, stuttering, freezing )


reverted back to 13.1, all fine.

Problem is 13.1 is the one i have stutters on. Though you've verified that ATI Drivers are random and based on rigs on whether or not they cause a stutter. As I said, someone said they've had stutters on and off as they updated their drivers over time. I still can't get rid of it.


I've tried:


Different drivers.

Changing profiles and configurations.

Changing INI files, regenerating them, etc.

Lower resolution to the lowest possible and lower distance sliders completely to see if it was performance related.

Enabled, and Disabled Vsync both in game and in the Drivers.

Disabled mods, and started a new game.

Capped FPS, as well Vysnc and capped FPS at the same time.

Windowed mode.


Anything else? No? Ok then, I'm stuck with a stutter I shouldn't be having.

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You know what annoys me more than this micro stutter though? Is the recommendation to used borderless window in like literally every google search result. I've been using it and it does not get rid of my stutter. It annoys me because everyone is so content with that answer.


But alas I'm just being bitter because NOTHING works.

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