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A Large Dunmer City


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Hi Vehlir. I'm not a modder, but I wanted to join in and say I'm with you---I would LOVE to see a good-sized Dunmer ctiy, as well as lots of NPC with real lives, real personalities, quests to give, etc. etc. I miss Morrowind so much that I've been replaying it again recently, but as nice as it is to be there, once you've seen it all and done it all....well, let's just say I'm ready for more!


Anyway, love your idea and I'll cross my fingers that some wonderful modder will take you up on it---for both of our sakes! :)


PS Almost forgot---I love the town walls that you've put here as an idea--they would really look great with a Dunmer mod!



Edited by autumnsky38
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Solstheim is too small for a city. The best way to do a dunmer city is the Underdark, which is a large dark elf city underground


to keep it lore friendly, make it below Windhelm, they say alot of dark elves live in windhelm but where are they? they are in their own city the Underdark



Edited by nightinglae850
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There is one near Solstheim, Morrowinds new capital Blacklight. While Mournhold have been reclaimed it is no longer the capital of Morrowind, perhaps due to it's location dangerously close to the Black Marsh. I guess that the easiest way to do it is to surround it with a city wall and place it in it's own worldspace, then simple let us get there on boat from Skyrim and Solstheim. This could be an good way to have some city based adventures.



Edited by niceguy
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Me too Autumn! Sucks having Vvardenfell right there its such a tease I wanna go back hah! @Niceguy, YES Blacklight would be perfect but only if they do it right and give it the justice it deserves. @ Batterij WOW that does look good, def gonna keep an eye on it. Bethesda basically just released a statement saying there moving on from skyrim onto a new project so most likely no new dlc :/. Our fate lies in the hands of the modders now ;)

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