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This is the first time this has happened so I really do not know what to do about it, if anything.


I was in the repcon basement when my game crashed. I started it again figuring I would go back to a save before I crashed. When I went to load a save there was a save "Crash Repcon Basement" at the top of my saves. So I went to look at my saves and the last one is "systemsave.fos and systemsave.nvse."


My question is should I just delete that save and start with the save just before I crashed or is there some information I should glean from that save that would identify the cause of the crash?


Can I load that save?

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You should always start troubleshooting from any error messages you can see. (They are your best "clue"; and why they exist at all.) We don't expect you to be able to interpret those messages, but reporting such accurately is an essential first step.

Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD) it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog because the game engine was not able to predictably handle the error. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.

Logs generated by the game itself (not Windows) are found in the game folder, where the "FalloutNV.EXE" file is located. They generally have the ".log" file extension, or a filename with "_log" in the name and a ".txt" extension.


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I will check for an error log.


It wasn't a typical CTD as I got a small window with the message that Fallout New Vegas is not responding so i could exit it.


My tendency is to just delete that save and go from there except for the fact that I believe you are right Dubious about troubleshooting error messages. If I just delete the save I might face problems later on.


Thank you for your replies.




Well that was weird.


I did not have any of the FNV error logs that link said I should have in my game directory so I decided to load that "Crash" save and see what happened. The save loaded just like an ordinary save so I played for a few minutes and then made another save. When I made that save I saw that the "Crash" save had just disappeared.


I guess I will just continue playing and hope that whole incident did not point to some conflict that will eventually bork my game.

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