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NPC Editing


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So I am performing a light mod. Using NPC Editor I have decided to mod Alva. All I have done was swap her steel dagger in the inventory for a sword, changed her combat style, and altered her eye color, eye shadow, and skin tone. I set her as follower/ ally and boosted her max level to 80 and left her minium level at the default 5. Everything else is the same. I save the mod as BSA, place the ESM and ESP in Data and Skyrim crashes to desktop right after the Bethesda logo. When I disable the ESP...it is good. So, I went in and set everything back to default for her, one at a time, to deduce what modifier did it...it is still crashing. The only thing I can think, is, earlier in the game, I performed a set relationship command on her to make her a follower, but if that were the issue, setting her relationship in the editor would have cleared this, right? Edited by Graelock
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From what I've heard NPC editor has become 'outdated' I think that may mean that the ESPs created with it are no longer compatible with the newest skyrim patch. I'm not 100% sure though. Regardless, I think the issue lies in the program, not what your doing in it.

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