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Problem with two of my mods


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No need to not stay around chatting... :wink:

Yes, Iouri is great and we do see things a bit different so we had many debates about this and that and everything and he never agreed with me about anything. :D What we fought mostly about was what did happen in June 1969, when Soviet Government started to interfere with radio and TV so no one in Russia suddenly knew what was happening for a period when the rest of the world just stopped and all where watching TV and nothing else. :wink: So therefor it had never happen he claims.



Well never mind... ;)

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Sorry, for late answer. I am in the army now, in Cyprus we can go home every week, huh. But still, can't be in touch all the time :(



All in all... Maybe he is right in a way. I mean, honestly, as much as Soviet Union had propaganda against capitalistic countries, same can be said about USA and other countries

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So true. Well after I did mentioned him, I sent him more propaganda in email. :D He is retired so I do not see him often now but I must keep the contact anyway. :smile:

It is a shame though that after living in Russia, he do not trust anyone or any facts. It is all lies and proganda he claims about everything, so I keep trying to bang my head against the wall as I am as stubborn as he is and I do like this: :wallbash: and he do like this: :devil: and we all end up like this: :geek: :huh: What a culture collide. :D But it has also opened my eyes really... Swedes do live in a bubble after all it seems.

I was so damn lucky when I did my military service, which we all where forced to do before 1989 as I did mine 1985, as Flight Mechanic on SAAB JA 37 Viggen.


Did service, cleaning the canon, guarding it, loaded it with wepons, oxygen and hydrogen and tanked it, polishing it and even fall a sleep in one and that was not pleasant as they are not comfortable to sit nor sleep in at all and my lieutenant cut the power when he saw me sleeping so I couldn't get out and was standing there grinning and smiling. I used the manual switch and broke the safety though and it was a hell to put it back but I managed after some hard force and stubbornness as that was all he said: -Put back the safety


If Sweden was attacked, we close all airports and move everything elsewhere as priority one, as fast as possible. :D


The older Dragon J 35, is more comfortable to sleep in as the cabin is so small that you must lie down in it anyway. So damn nice.


Sweden is to small to make airplanes now. There will not be any more after SAAB JAS 39 Gripen and we have problems to get it sold as it is. Such a nice plane that no one wants... I think Brazil and South Africa use them.

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Huh, cool, looks like you had interesting experience if army ;-)

Well, because Cyprus is small country, army is small and funny too. Like, literally, we are going home every seven days, ahah. And all vehicles here are from other countries, of course. Even some Russian ones, as a present

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Yeapp. Well it was extremely fun at first doing it - but I got bored fast as we did the same stuff almost every day and some services felt so unnecessary, like testing the radar with all the security involved as if someone walks pass it when it is running, their eyes boils within a minute. I did work at the radar industry after the military was over after all...


I do think my superiors did see how bored I became so they moved me from outer services to inner, to keep me more busy and then it became funnier too. It was the inner service captain that asked me if I would be interested of such work and I said yes immediately.


We did tried to make all our own stuff in Sweden to be independent and Switzerland and Finland was our biggest customers as they are also independent and it did cost a lot of money but we sold everything to other countries as well. Radar system to Norway, Bofors cannons all over the world, a company that Nobell started to take explosives to a new level. But selling our new unstable plane JAS 39 Gripen has been harder then expected. Unstable? Yes it is unstable to be able to do things in the air no other planes are able too and if the engine stops, it will turn around and go by its tail first. It can kill the pilot as well if it makes the wrong moves.



This issue was fixed by some doctoral students at Chalmers Technical University when I worked there as technician 1998 and the front wings adjusts 50 times per second, when they are working. :smile: Very nice to have been able to follow their work and the femal programmer was extremely cute and nice really. :D But still, that plane is lethal, both for the pilots and the enemy. If you target it with anything, it jumps away automatic. No one should fly it as it should be flown remotely... :wink: It can also fly right or left by pointing the nose at the other direction. So damn odd and weird airplane that moves against all logic.


The plane I was mechanic at, flew straight and the front wings where static and we could jump at the wings but that plane also weight double and wasted extremely loads of fuel. The new one is much more economical but also more sensible as we cant use its wings while sunbathing as then they will break.


By the way, I also found this, which is interesting: I did knew about it though of course... :wink:

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That programmer I did mention that helped fixing the front wing computer? When I first met her, I thought she was some kind of Secretary as I was her support technician and she was not only sweet as she was very humble and had a very nice smile as well so we chatted some and at some point I did ask her what she was working with. The JAS front wing computer she told me, calmly, humble and sweet as always. DAMN I told her, and then I explained to her what I did 1985 so we did had something to talk about - Swedish air fighters, but she was not that interested of the plane it self as she was in that specific computer though. ;) I could walk into their room and chat with the both of them time to time as I had my office 3 rooms further down the same corridor. I do not recall how her companion looked like at all, just her, for several reasons. :D But he was nice too I do recall, but nothing else.

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Ah, army life... Interseting time of life after all, something in between childhood and mature life, I guess.


Glad to hear that your one was so interesting. Mine is good too, just smaller sacle, huh. Like, w don't have that planes like you described at all, ahah. Cypus is too small to afford them)


By the way, talking about oblivion. Do you know any modz that adds some kind of effect if your skill is higher than 100, because of buffs or amulets?


In vanilla game, only athletic and acrobatic adds extra effect

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It is not only Cyprus that have economical issues as the whole world is out of balance. Iouri keeps asking me why NASA stopped going to the moon, which he claims they did not do in the first place and he doesn't understand that the Apollo project is still one of the most expensive projects ever made and it contributed to the fall of world economy from 1972-74 as it have gone downhill since. Saudi Arabia as another example buys more and more land in USA at this very moment, which have the biggest economical crises ever since 1929 if I got it right, which they dry out, so they are slowly killing the states without anyone noticing it but city after city falls and so does the smaller villages right now while I type this. That's brilliant war fare really. Well the US kills them self slowly as well by using more water than what gets added back to the ground.


Sweden have never been in war since the Napoleon war as our king then, the General Bonaparte, who was general in the France army under Napoleon and later became king Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, helped Europe to defeat Napoleon in the end but before that, we did loose over 50% of the former Sweden, which was big when it was as biggest. But for how long will we be as lucky as we have been for over 150 years? Not far from you, water is a big problem. The Gaza is slowly drying out and war will sooner or later break out in the Mediterranean area and you will get from having it comfortable at the moment to a pure hell. The stream of fleeing human beings will expand. The world will get more unbalanced for each day that goes, slowly but steady. Israel will become a bloody mess.


Military is the most expensive thing to have in the world, except Apollo. We have decreased our own military by 90% or more since 1989 in Sweden and we will suffer for it one day. Our leaders do not see the threats that will soon occur as they are blind as if it something we have plenty off, is water in Sweden but for how long? I do hope it is all wrong as I do like the song: We shall over come. But I am afraid, I am not. We cant live in a dream... Our own ground water is sinking for each year that passes by and if you drink a glass of water, it does not refill it self per automatic, not like the mead mugs in Valhalla do. Water, so simple and yet so deadly.


They also opened up and revealed our secret underground bases even... I do not know if we even have any secrets left in Sweden... Well we must at least have some? Don't we? It is sick when I think about it. Almost treason.




Yes. I will add a post I usually add in Reddit:


I do suggest you install MOO, WACand also Ultimate leveling as the leveling system do suck and you need to micro/macro it from the console. Leveling is better in both Morrowind and in Skyrim really. Why? They do add some of the minor skills to the level, Oblivion does not as it only includes the major and that sux.

  • ADDING: Ultimate leveling also add what you are looking for, scrolls that will increae your skills above 100, if you find them that is and I do when I loot containers, which I loot with a spell to make it faster. The spell is not released yet but it will in my next upgrade of my house mod.

If you want a simple leveling system that are ready to play as it is, without editing an ini file, use Realistic Leveling and also install all fixes, ENBoost and Enginebugfixes and all unofficial bug fixes.

These faces are very nice as well

Each of those pages have a description that tells you how to install them. You do run your game on PC as it might work on some console's and not at some. I do not know anything about console's anyway?? I did bought a PS1 when they came out ages ago... :wink:

I use Wrye Bash since 16 years back now for managing and installing my mods and patch them so they work nice together and for none OMODs and OBMM for Omods.

Wrye Bash will put a folder next to your Oblivion folder, where you DL your files too if you install Wrye Bash that is called Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers

I use LOOT for getting the mods in right order and it also tells you if the mods need cleaning and you clean them with TES4EditQuickAutoClean.exe that comes with TES4Edit


Maskar do take Oblivin to another level, not just the way it feels to play his mods and the way he helps the players when needed as I do not have more conversations in the private section than with Maskar. It is also the way he is doing it, to minimize conflicts with other mods as you can combine MOO and Ultimate Leveling with everything. He do not touch the CS editor Render Window much, which most modders do as if he needs something to happen in game, he scripts it so he did remade the whole game with brilliant and optimal scripts that are sometimes a bit hard to follow and trust me, I do peek in his code to get ideas myself and I also debate them with him if needed. His way of making stuff happen in game is how I will do in my future quest lines in my own project, to make it as less conflict able as possible as if I do not do that, the main purpose of that mod will get pointless.

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Not interested in Overhauls. Have my own pack of mods, which makes game good for me, even vanilla leveling is good, if you know how to use it. Of course, I am using Wrye Bash, godlike program.

I was looking for mod, that will actually make skills rased over 100 in vanilla game (for example, because of "Grey Prince lesson" effect), useful. Looks like there are no such mod, unfortunately

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