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Crafting and reading takes time - immersion timescale mod


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I like roleplaying a crafter character. I also use timescale mods so the timescale is more realistic in Skyrim. But it still bugs me that I can make 100 greatswords in a minute or craft tons of potions that fast too. I feel like in reality it should take many days.


But of course we don't want it to be too difficult however I suggest making a mod that makes crafting take time. Not too much of course. It should probably be dependant on the value. For example one iron dagger = 30min while a heavy armor cuirass= 6 hours. Something like that. Also your smithing / alchemy skill should affect the time.


I also think reading books should take time. If possible, coolest would be to make the first time of opening a book take 1-2 hours and any other time 30 minutes.


I wish I could make this mod myself but sadly I have close to no experience.


Oh, and I did find one mod that supposedly did this called "Crafting takes time" but it either crashes your game or is severely bugged and is no longer updated.

Edited by Ceridwenn
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  • 9 months later...

if you use version 1 of the mod it works but it gets frustrating with eat drink sleep because crafting 1 thing takes from 1-6 hours, i had to put my hunger sleep and drink at minimum and i can only craft 3 things (including potions before i have to sleep) i tried going into the scripts to change it as that looks like all he did for the mod, was make a script but for some reason it doesnt work when i repack it. I never really coded before (unless you call macros coding) figured it would be a simple fix its just 1 number \


i believe at line 39

callstatic utility, RandomInt, ::temp0, 1, 6

when i change it and repack it, the mod stops working altogether


also to help you and other people out looking for a real time reading mod there is one, calculates how long it took you to read the book then converts it to skyrim time.


Dont use Sags mod for reading unless you want to read book for 3 hours when you only wanted to glance at them

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to resurrect this post because I came here seeking the same request. While the reading takes time mod has been very well done by Akezhar (one of my staples... It is simple and perfect for my time lapse needs when reading), we are in dire need of a good crafting takes time mod.


I know there is one out there.. but it has a # of issues that break immersion for me. The current mod assigns a random time lapse to crafting anything (this includes cooking) from 1-6 hours. So you could craft a suit of armor in an 1 while it takes you 6 to boil some water. Seeing as how anyone interested in this mod will also be running other realism mods, that doesn't quite work for me.


I would love to see a mod that adds a time lapse to crafting which will improve as you increase your skill in that profession. For black smithing I was thinking something along the lines of:


(All time lapse based off a lvl 1-9 blacksmith)

Items classified as Heavy Armor take 8 hours of game time to craft (You'll be at the forge for an entire workday to craft one good piece!)

Items classified as Heavy Weapons (all two handed weapons) take 6 hours of game time to craft

Items classified as Light Armor take 6 hours of game time to craft

Items classified as Light Weapons (all single handed weapons) take 4 hours of game time to craft

Items classified as bows/ crossbows take 3 hours of game time to craft

Items classified as arrows / bolts take 1 hour of game time to craft

All cloth items (clothing / robes) takes 1 hour of game time to craft

All tanning rack items take 1 hour

Tempering armor takes 2 hours per piece

Using the grinding stone takes 2 hours per weapon


I thought of assigning a variable based on cost, but I couldn't think of a formula that would fit with varying costs that made sense. Also, armor/ weapons added by other mods might have very low or very high values assigned to them since the mod author creates those. I figured with my system outlined above it will streamline the process and make it easy to integrate any weapon / armor mod you've installed.


I figured the level system can be created along with the current rank system for spells and locks. So you have:

Novice blacksmith from lvl 10-26

Apprentice blacksmith from lvl 26-50

Adept blacksmith from lvl 51-75

Expert blacksmith from lvl 76-99

Master blacksmith from lvl 100+


Each level increase will give you a 10% reduction in crafting time. So a suit of heavy armor which would take a lvl 1-9 blacksmith to craft would be 8 hours. 7.2 hours for Novice, 6.4 hours for Apprentice, 5.6 hours for Adept, 4.8 hours for an Expert, and finally 4 hours for a master. (10, 20, 30, 40 & 50% deducted from the original 8 hours for each calculation)


This way, it gives the feeling that even an expert blacksmith is still going to take some time to fashion some nice armor. But his years of experience at the forge allows him to craft it faster than say his apprentice who still fumbles the hammer.


The same idea can be added to cooking, alchemy, enchanting...


What do you guys think? Is this doable?

Edited by Dkboy24
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Yeah exactly. And I think just about everyone who would be interested in such a mod would be running all sorts of needs mods and such. It even applied to crafting items from Frostfall as well. The idea was there.. but the execution not so much.


I think my idea outlined above would be doable. Look at the Hunterborn mod for example. It pretty much works the exact same way where you kill an animal, activate its carcass and select what you want to do (butcher meat, skin pelt, etc). Each action takes a certain amount of time and it is based on your skinning level. The better hunter you are, the least amount of time it takes you to butcher and skin an animal.


Now take that same method and apply it to say blacksmithing. When you craft an item, it applies my formula above, the screen goes black for a second and you come back with the time lapse complete and your item crafted. Maybe playing a blacksmith hammer sound over the black screen to give the impression you've been at the forge all day?


I wish I had a little experience in the CK but sadly I don't. I tried watching some tutorial videos and while they give me a good idea, I would not even know where to get the formulas to write the scripts in the first place. Plus me creating a scripted mod makes me super nervous as I wouldn't want to harm anyones game with my lack of experience.

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