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Marksman training quest help


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I don't think this is a technical issue, I'm probably just doing something wrong. Neither Pinarus Inventius or Reman Broder will offer me the quest for mastering marksman(Reman wouldn't offer me training in the first place). My marskman skill is 70, I have their dispositions maxed out, I've already gotten an Elven bow to give to Alawen. Earlier, before haveing the prerequisites, I found Alawen at her camp where she refused to speak to me and went off to hunt, as expected. Since then I have not been able to find her at Troll Candle Camp, at any day or any time, to see if I could skip over Inventius or Broder giving me the quest. Is there something I'm missing? Did Alawen mysteriously die? Or does my game just hate me?


I'm playing this character on xbox, if that matters.

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Getting the marksman training recommendation isn't the easiest thing to do. Reman Broder is a tricky timing situation ... here's a quote from his wiki page:


He will not offer any training while working in the vineyard or when he's eating, so the only times he will provide is when he wanders around his house - which makes rainy days the best bet for training, as long as he's not eating.

I managed to catch him as he was heading into Skingrad after it started raining. Needlessly complicated.


Pinarus Inventius isn't as difficult timing wise, I wonder if you have his disposition high enough. Again from the wiki (emphasis added):


Once your marksman skill level reaches 70, speak to him, and choose the "training" option. If he responds with "You are very good with a bow. It's a shame I can't help you any more. If we were better friends, I might be able to give you one last piece of advice." then you will have to play the persuasion mini-game or bribe him to raise his disposition to 80 or more. After that, he will be more talkative and trigger the quest pointing you towards master trainer Alawen with the words: "There’s only one last thing I can say about Marksman training. If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. And the best I've ever seen is an Archer named Alawen. Not sure where she is now; last I heard, she had a camp east of Anvil, out in the forest."


Alawen is one of those NPCs that Bethesda decided to not make essential. Her daily AI packages have her hunting around the camp. There is a bandit camp not too far away (west of Dasek Moor) and she sometimes falls victim to them.


The only difference for XBox users is you don't have a way to force the weather to rain or resurrect dead NPCs using console commands, otherwise your master training should be the same.

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If I ask Penarus Inventus for training he just says the usual "I'm willing to teach, if you're willing to learn" and pops up the training menu even though there is nothing more he can teach me. I'll try to find Reman Broder in the right place to see if he offers the quest. Otherwise, I'll have to assume this is a bug in the game, or more likely Alawen died and I'll just have to master the skill the old fashioned way. Thanks for the info!

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Gaining master 'the old fashioned way' means lots of arrows. You may want to go back through your saves and see if you have one with Alawen still alive. If you do find one don't go back anywhere near Troll Candle Camp until after you are ready to start receiving training from her. Nothing bad happens to NPCs unless your character is in the same cell or a nearby one. Then either get Prinarus' disposition to 80 or higher (if your personality is low you won't be able to max out at 80 or above ... use charm spells or scrolls to get the recommendation) or else you'll be spending lots of time hanging around Skingrad waiting for it to rain.


Good luck.

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That's a good idea, but unfortunately I've already saved over my oldest save for this particular character, and loading that save would have likely reset nearly a days worth of playing, which I'm not sure I would find worthwhile. If the quest isn't doable I can always exploit the frozen worshipers at peryite's shrine, it's a tedious method, but way more effective than just clearing dungeons with a bow. Gosh darn you Bethesda.

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