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Help with creating a modpack


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I have created basic mods and understand the concepts, but have no real programming experience.


I would like to take pieces from 200+ mods then put them together my way, for myself to enjoy and be inspired.


Best success I've had is with RPFM, using 'copy as override into' to merge .esps and manually moving the data between mod folders, but this gets complicated fast and I generally don't know what I'm doing


Looking for experience or suggestions on the best ways to get this done, thanks!

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Well, taking only parts of certain mods and merging them IS complicated and you need to somehow keep track of what you have merged with what.

(Just merging mods is not that "complicated", there are lots of tutorials for it)


I would recommend to merge a few things, test if it works, then add anohter mod (or a part of a mod) to the merge and test it again ...

That way you can see when things "break".

If you just merged hundrets of mods and then tried it in the game, you would have almost no idea of what mod caused the merge to "break".


Also, merging mods that that use scripts is generally a bad idea.


But I don't know much about merging mods either ...

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