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Questions about the Adult flag for mods


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So i have this mod UNP Clothing Merchants http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24684


It basically combines several UNP clothing/armor packages into 1, it wasn't adult when I started it but once I included the "Bouncy Bodices and Booties" to it (which is an Adult mod) I flagged my mod as Adult too, but the thing is, it's only flagged as adult because these bodices are transparent which means the nipples show up when worn, however, it's entirely up to the USER if the bodices are showing any part of the breast or not! because if the user had for example a never nude body meshes/textures then the breasts are't actually going to show up in the game which means it isn't really an Adult mod, it's for both types of people, doesn't that mean my mod shouldn't be flagged as Adult at all? I have also kept the mod page totally safe for viewers, no nude pictures or private body parts showing up..


Hope a moderator could asnwer me on this..

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If, as a result of using your mod, the player is able to view content that would get a movie a PG-13 or higher rating, it should be tagged as "Adult Content".


From the file upload ToS:


Adult-only content includes nudity, vulgar language and anything that would be considered graphically violent. For example; a file that includes or expands upon the graphic violence in the game, such as decapitations or dismemberment, is adult-only.
Consider this a Not Safe For Work filter and mark your files accordingly.

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Thank you all for responding, although I still think it's entirely up to the player if the content of my mod is actually Adult inside the game or not based on which body option they are using in thier game but I guess that doesn't make a difference if it's optional like insanity said.


Anyways thanks again.

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Thank you all for responding, although I still think it's entirely up to the player if the content of my mod is actually Adult inside the game or not based on which body option they are using in thier game but I guess that doesn't make a difference if it's optional like insanity said.


Anyways thanks again.


If I understand correctly your clarification as to the way the mod works, then no, it would not require the "Adult Content" flag.


If the only way the player would encounter nudity as a result of using your mod were because the player had also installed a nude body model, then it's not your mod that's providing that content. If, on the other hand, there would be nudity with only the vanilla models, then yes, it would require the tag.

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I was under impression that ALL armours made for adult body mods should be marked as adult?


Keeping in mind some body replacer mods host nude AND non-nude (usually skimpy underwear) files that maintain the same body model compatible for the armours, but if a UNP armour mod requires the UNP body replacer which is an adult mod then surely the same criteria should be applied?


Looking at the page link it seems a nude body would be needed therefore the mod should only be accessible for adult users.

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As long as the "Adult Content" isn't actually part of the mod, and the mod doesn't allow vanilla game assets to become "adult", then no tag is needed. We don't require or expect authors to account for all the possible interactions of their mods with other mods. (The one exception of which I am aware was a mod that inserted child models as the PC and all Party NPCs. The author worked very, very hard to make it impossible to initiate the in-game romances, and to ensure that there was no way to have unclothed children.)

But for the example Ironman5000 cited above, a mod that included BOTH types of model would require the "Adult Content". It's the mod as a whole that gets the tag, not individual components. If a nude body model is required to get the mod working correctly then the player who does not deliberately select such a body mod will be disappointed when it doesn't work without one. (Now if there is nudity in the images the author chooses to display with the mod, then of course the tag is required.)

FYI: Unlike TES games, in some others (like the Dragon Age series) there's no such thing as "armour", or "robes", separate from the body model. Those items are the model. Therefore it's impossible to have a mod that displays nudity without the mod author having added that element.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you all for responding, although I still think it's entirely up to the player if the content of my mod is actually Adult inside the game or not based on which body option they are using in thier game but I guess that doesn't make a difference if it's optional like insanity said.


Anyways thanks again.

If I understand correctly your clarification as to the way the mod works, then no, it would not require the "Adult Content" flag.


If the only way the player would encounter nudity as a result of using your mod were because the player had also installed a nude body model, then it's not your mod that's providing that content. If, on the other hand, there would be nudity with only the vanilla models, then yes, it would require the tag.

Sorry for the late reply, was sucked into the CK for the last couple of weeks.


Yes that's exactly what I was talking about, some of the outfits in my mod only show nudity if the user is using the naked UNP body, but if the user was using the UNP body with underwear then there won't be any nudity when these outfits are worn, there are several people who are using my mod and don't use the naked UNP body which is why I was saying that it's entirely up to the user's in-game body type (which is their choice) and that nudity is not a result of using my mod therefore my mod shouldn't be flagged as Adult.


So if I understand correctly, I can lift the Adult flag from my mod? The images in my mod are currently free from any nudity and I plan to keep it that way..

Edited by Foaman
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