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Anybody have this problem?


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Since Skyrim came out i have been playing it off and on for about 200 hours each character i make, quit and move on to another game for awhile. come back, repeat and so forth, mostly because i have so many games i have yet to get around to i just want a break, i was playing Skyrim recently for about 80 hours or so but then put it on hold and started playing The witcher 1 again, then i put that on hold for a bit to play Borderlands 2, my current lvl 43 Siren is on hold at the moment as i quit playing because i got distracted by Morrowind as i been meaning to return to that game again ( my favorite elder scrolls game period ), now i am hooked on Morrowind and enjoying every bit of it as always.


What makes it more funny is i have yet to even finish an actual playthrough on Skyrim yet and haven't even gotten around to finishing any guilds besides companions once lol or even the dlc's, not in any hurry but i get distracted by doing other things in game and roleplaying all the time and enjoying the scenery as i never fast travel and it's actually disabled ( hate fast travel!!!! ), not to mention mods keep me busy as i enjoy a wide range of them and have tons to do ( i am capped out on the mod limit with pretty much EVERY single RPG game i play just fyi ).



TL;DR too many games, get distracted move on to another game, come back later...repeat.

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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I have the exact same problem.


>Bought Skyrim, played obsessively for 50 hours in vanilla

>Started modding Skyrim, played another 100 hours of dedication

>Took a break to play Dishonored and Halo 4, then came back to Skyrim

>Had trouble with save bloating, forced to play other games

>Finally resolved issue, so now play Skyrim on and off between work

>Still have yet to finish Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or even a second playthrough


I'm also continuously being pulled back between replaying Skyrim and playing other games, such as Sim City 4 or Guild Wars 2, only to come back to Skyrim. Now my friend wants to try out Minecraft with me! AND I play EVE Online, so Skyrim's pulling me away from that. All the while I'm busy getting an insurance selling career started, so I'm all over the place.


So I know that feel bro, I do. :(

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Grande parte da diversão de Skyrim está na possibilidade de você poder criar mods para o jogo.

Você gasta MUITO tempo desenvolvendo mods, e isso, de alguma forma, ajuda a aumentar a longevidade do seu jogo.

Você sente muito mais prazer criando mods e disponibiliza-lo para milhares de pessoas do que simplesmente ficar várias horas jogando.

Vai ter um momento que, certamente, irá se cansar do jogo e assim procurará outros games para poder se distrair.

Eu estou pretendendo no momento modificar TODOS os NPCs do jogo, e mudar alguns aspectos da jogabilidade.

É provável que eu só comece a jogar para valer no final do ano, porque ainda há muito trabalho a fazer.

Ainda tenho que modificar as musicas e etc.

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I do this too. I must have eight or nine characters going and I've only completed the main quest line with one of them (my original character). I just started a new one with some new mods (most notably Tropical Skyrim, which is pretty awesome).


Steam says I've put in 491 hours so I'd say I got my money's worth from this game!

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