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Ingestible script isn't adding items like it should?


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This is for a mod that creates an ingestible which damages player health and endurance, but adds a blood pack to the player's inventory. The penalties are working, but it's not adding a blood pack or the other items from the script.

I copied the Blood Pack ingestible, it's a food equipment type, no auto calc flag makes no difference. Effects are, in order,



0 magnitude+duration type self

actor value none

cond: subject: getisid player


reduce endurance

1 magnitude, 360 duration


damage health 5 mag, 5 duration



Flags: self

assoc. script sssBloodDrawSCRIPT



scn sssBloodDrawSCRIPT
Begin ScriptEffectStart
Player.AddItem SurgicalSyringe01 1
Player.AddItem SurgicalScissors01 1
Player.AddItem BloodPack 1
NVSE is editor enabled, script compiled with no issues.
I originally put the script in the ingestible's script field, but then the game thought it was a poison and demanded that a poisonable weapon be equipped.
It seems like everything should work, and I've just missed something in a stupid oversight. I'd really love any help that anyone can provide.
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you have two effects named sssBloodDrawEffect, maybe thats doing something? but either way your script should theoretically run


if nothing else, try this (probably wont do anything):


remove "player" from the script and see if it works. i.e:

Player.AddItem SurgicalSyringe01 1
Player.AddItem SurgicalScissors01 1
Player.AddItem BloodPack 1
AddItem SurgicalSyringe01 1
AddItem SurgicalScissors01 1
AddItem BloodPack 1
Edited by dudemanpersonbro
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