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Modded save game data issues. Please help fast

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Ok. I'm using Mercedes Savegame. It's a moonshadow elf (Have the mod) & comes with face data. I load it up but it crashes. I don't know how to add face data, so I first tried simply deactivation everything except the race. Nada. Some help please? I'm trying to test some things concerning another mod & I need a ready made character for fodder.

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If you need a ready made character, create one yourself -- if you use somebody else's, you have no idea of what mods were used in it's creation, and can lead to the crashes. Run through the tutorial until you get to the exit, but don't leave yet. Save the game there and use that.
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Yes, I know, but that defeats the purpose of ready made, yeah? Years and years of the tutorial have made it too much of a pain in the butt to stand... & yes, you can find out their mods with Wrye Bash. It doesn't matter, I figured it out on my own how to get it working. They had used the no script .esp which I didn't have. (I tricked the system by naming the scripted one after the none scripted one. :) But thanks for the advice.

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From what I saw, that only swaps face data from characters. The one I got came with a file name: Face.off. Which I don't know what to do with, but I don't need it. Though I didn't get the modded face, I got the save I was looking for. Thanks for everyone's advice. :)

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