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Pauldrons and Greaves


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I know there are mods that add these but then they simply replace the boots or the gauntlets. Is there some way to add new areas on the player model where armor can be placed?

If there is, it would be fun to have it like Morrowind where there are 9 pieces: boots, greaves, cuirass, left and right gauntlets, left and right pauldrons, helmet, and shield. This allows for a lot more customization.


Or is it hardcoded to just be 5?


P.S I know a lot of the armors in Skyrim are like robes, that they cover more than just the torso, but these could just cover all the extra areas and cant be worn with armor pieces that also cover those areas.




EDIT from the future!: As of 2014, I have officially reposted the mod!



Edited by Mopel
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Skyrim is lacking a bit on the armor variation, adding this would make it a lot more interesting (especially if NPCs, bandits and other enemies use this variation). Imagine a bandit chief with the bone pauldron from the scaled horned armor on one shoulder, and the other one with banded iron pauldron while wearing steel armor and wearing a fur skirt. This would be far more awesome to look at and add a whole lot to roleplaying without needing to download tons of new armors that break lore.

It also adds a lot more mish and mash options with the armor. My character looks horrid with one perfectly matched torso, greaves and shoulder pieces, but then my boots and gloves differ. Its like the game telling you: "Why are you messing with the nice sets!"

This way you can look awesome with differing armor pieces.

And as you said, its easy but also a bit time consuming (cutting all the armors).

Edited by Mopel
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Ok, I am contacting.


But, for now, I am going to make a quick list of all the armor types.


Pauldron list:




Scaled (appears on left side of studded and scaled armor)




Chaurus chitin





Steel Plate



Dragon Plate



In the case of robes, pauldrons should be able to be placed on top of them. Your Battlemage will look tens times as awesome.


Greaves list:


Fur (all alternates)











Steel plate






There will be 8 slots: Head, left and right pauldron, gloves, torso, greaves/hips, boots, shield.


All armors will be split, meaning there will be no banded iron armor, for example, but you can make it again by wearing iron pauldons, iron armor and iron greaves. But, this will allow a lot more customization options, making your character truly unique. Armors without pauldrons (guard armor for example) will be compatible with pauldons, but not the greaves, because its a one piece robe of chainmail and a cloak. This is what we have to consider when separating the armors.


We will also need to do some of the unique armors.

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It's something not hard to do, but really REALLY tedious. You could import armors in Blender, manually cut armor pieces, export them, adjust them with NifSkope and set them in the Creation Kit.

You can follow this guide:


I love the idea of bringing greaves back and I'd love to see it working, but don't ask me if I can do all that work. I'm quite busy with another mod.

If you decide to not separate pauldrons from armors and just do greaves you could save lot of time and stressful work, but obviously more is better.

Edited by Derok
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Hmm... One concern would be with the forge - are each of these new items going to individually forgeable? You're going to have a messy forge them. Unless you use FMO when I release it (/shameless self promotion).


Anywho, it seems interesting in terms of mixing and matching, for certain. However, item clutter (in player inventory) might be a bit bothersome. Not entirely certain.


I'd also be curious as to how you'd plan on handling enchantments (only some pieces enchantable or..?)


It's an interesting idea though. Put out a beta screenshot and maybe some people will volunteer to help!



Edit: An idea which might be workable is to make it so if you equip an armor piece while already having another armor on of the same type a messagebox would come up and ask the player how they wanted to equip it, allowing them to only equip a part of the new armor. As for what would happen to the armor after this... that I'm not entirely sure of. But it's an idea of a sort.

Edited by matortheeternal
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