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Stuck (not CTD) at main menu after logo


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can someone help me, I have a problem, I can't play Skyrim because always stuck at main menu. the main menu is dissapear (can't see main menu text like "New Game", "Exit", etc).

now I play at laptop, not desktop. use i5 3210M, 2x2GB RAM 1600, GT640M with latest driver (I check Nvidia Settings, my laptop use Nvidia VGA not Intel HD)

of course I play at latest patch (1.9.32)

I did:

-delete .ini files from My Games/Skyrim

-I verifying, no one file is missing

-use latest SKSE version

-load order is good, I use Wrye Bash and BOSS

-rebuild ASIS and Wrye Bash patch

-change setting to low

-uncheck some latest installed mods


still have that problem

hm... why?


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SKSE Launcher? no
I try launch via skse_loader and Skyrim Launcher, still stuck at main menu :confused:
I don't use any d3d9.dll (ENB, FXAA injector, etc)
I'm sure every mods I installed is not source of problem (I play Skyrim at desktop with same mods, before I sell it)

EDIT: check directx, trying to install, nothing to update

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Are you describing the steam skyrim launcher or the NMM skyrim launcher?. What happens if you load from the steam launcher?


Also, if you tried to copy/paste all of your old files from your desktop to your laptop, that might be the problem. You need to log onto steam, verify your game while on your laptop. This may mean that you re-download the game from steam, or it might just let you use the verify game cache. Then, try to open/play the game with no mods using just the steam launcher. If it works, then you can slowly start adding mods back in. Just because your set-up worked on your desktop does not mean that you can duplicate it to your laptop. The game would freeze for sure, just trying to apply the .ini files specific to your laptop to a completely different rig.

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I use 188 esp and esm, that's source the problem. I try reduce it to 145, now that bug is gone

I don't know why my laptop can't playing Skyrim with mods more than 145 .esp / .esm, but my desktop can run with 188 mods
thanks for your suggestion to running Skyrim without mods, now I can playing again :)

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