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Looking for a mod


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I'm running the community skill uncapper mod and have gotten the vast majority of my skills up to the +90 range and some over 100, but now I have a problem. As an avid alchemist, I create potions that are worth obnoxious amounts of money and have over 100k right now from my latest potion binge. But, since my skills are up so high, the trainers can't do anything for me and I have no use for the money. Can someone point me to a mod I can get where it'll give me more uses for my growing fortune?

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I appreciate the reply, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. I'm DEEP into the crafting system and make my own gear, which is vastly superior to what I can buy in stores. Economics of Skyrim would just change the prices of something I never bought to begin with. To be more specific, I'm looking for maybe a way, either through mod or console command, to boost the trainable levels of skill trainers whenever I need to.


Also, resetting my skills via the legendary option is NOT a good idea. I'm using the high level enemies mod, and if I reset my armor or weapon skills to 15, I'd be on the fast track to a really severe ass kicking.

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