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Creating DLC "Quest Notes"


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I wasn't exactly sure how to word this but here is my problem:


I have recently started a quest mod with my friend and we intend to put it on Nexus, but right from the get go we had a problem. We wish to have the quest activate it self the moment the player enters the game and have a note appear as a DLC from Bethesda would. I have checked the "Start game enabled" box in the G.E.C.K. and still have no luck. Any help is apreciated, thank you.

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I probably am using an older save and I thought that making a new game would activate it. It didn't.

I apoligize for the little detail, I am a bit new to this. I know the how script, link scripts, refs, and other things. I'm just not sure what scripts would help. I currently don't have a quest script, I have only just started and didn't think I needed one. I know I will need one, I am just not sure where to start.

It's probably easy to see I'm scattered and a little disorganized but I'm doing my best ahaha. Thanks for the reply.

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I have fixed my problem! I simply added a quest script to the quest. Pretty easy I just needed to know where to start. Doing some research gave me the answers. Here is the script I used:



scn REStartup

short shown

begin gamemode
if (player.getincell GSDocMitchellHouse ==0)
if (shown ==0)
showmessage REStartupMessage
setstage REJiggleForJustice 10
set shown to 1



Once you exit Doc Mitchells house or if you are not in his house it displayes a message and sets the stage for the quest.

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