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Is there some easy way to uninstall mods that were manually installed?


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Let's say I want to install some arbitrary mod that isn't compatible with NMM, like this recent one for example: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34497


If I were to install that mod as the author instructs, would there be any easy way for me to uninstall it, short of manually deleting its files? Would even a manually installed mod show up in Skyrim's Data Files such that I could check or uncheck whether or not I wanted it activated?



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Only plugins and masters (.esp or .esm) show up in the Data Files section of the launcher. Resource replacers, .bat files, etc. don't need a plugin to operate and are not controlled through activation/deactivation.

To answer your question, outside of making backups of your entire directory before installing such a mod, no. It's generally recommended to keep the archives you downloaded the mod in originally around for both backup and uninstallation purposes (you can use the archive as a checklist when manually deleting files added by such a mod).


Other mod managers may or may not be able to handle auto-installation/auto-uninstallation of files that NMM can't handle due to it's restrictions regarding the \Data\ folder.

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That's not a 'mod', so much as a batch file that automates a list of console commands so the user does not have to type them manually. It's safe to 'uninstall', simply by deleting the text file from the game data folder. But you should obviously go back to a save game prior to running the batch file commands in game, unless you actually want to keep those 'changes.'


And you should be very 'selective' about which mods you install.

Edited by ripple
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