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better cities: FO3


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if you'd notice.. everyone looks pretty dirty, as in they don't bathe. water is too irradiated to be used as something to wash someone's body, and i'm sure they'd much rather use their clean water for drinking and basic survival rather than making sure they smell nice, or that their sheets are clean... or that their toilet is clean.


people that are in survival mode put survival far above comfort. they have been SURVIVING for 200 years. it adds to the immersion that their life has little hope as everyday they struggle just to live... and it makes the player want to give these people hope by helping them out *don't want to spoil anything or whatnot, so i'll stop here*



basically, why scrub a ship if the water you'll be using is either irradiated and will make everything it touches irradiated, or if that water is something you should be drinking to carry on for another day.


Im not talking that Rivet City should be clean as new, but look at people rooms, everything is extremely dirty as anyone used to live there for years, and Rivet City has even a ladie that works to the city cleaning it. (she is doing a very bad work)

On the other side, places like Megatown and Big City are chaotic places and should be, of course, dirty.

I love immersion mods, and i think that any mod trying to make the cities more reallistic could think about this issue also.

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from my pov it´s the same - clean cities would look somehow displaced in the fallout world. in fact we need more cities like in the games before and not the small ammount we actually have as a clean version. i´d prefer if someone would (for example) wipe the deathclaws away from old olney and make it a populated small ruined city for traders and more.
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this is what i was referring to.


for instance... on oblivion, what the mod did to each town was this:


leyawin; supposedly a port town, but there was no port, and uspposedly the khaji/ argonian section was in bad condition, but it wasn't, so the mod made have the town dirty overgrown and sinking into a morash, and added a port.


cheydinhall; suposseded to be a very beutifully gardened town, but had corruptionon the inside, mod adde more plants and beutiful scenery to make the town less empty adn made it very beutiful... this one is hard to explain how good it was.


(because i haven't played Oblivion in so long, i forget some of the names)


the town up north where it is cold (don't remeber name); was supposed to be the one of the few places of civilization in the cold north, so the mod added a slums around the area and gave it more of the impresssion of being a town assaaulted by the cold, and also added some faint sign showind of something darker due to the undergroud cult hideout in the town.


chorrol (names are coming ack to me); supposed to be a high and mighty posh sort of town... but was a little to empty to be that way... mod added "the old jail" added mroe town building and slightly altered original ones so as to give the impression of a bigger town... also added some abient castle structures.


skingraad; supposed to be a cramped town amidst the rocks, mod squished it together, added bigger rocks, but also addded some pretty plants, giving it a comfey, but tight, feel, and making it an enjoyable town to be in as the tightness of the roads and alleys made thing interesting and drew you into the game more.


anvil; supposed to be a thriving see town, this mod made it that way, with a bigger habor, and more beautiful seaside buildigns and an allover better redo of it.


imperial market; the imperial city is supoosed to be a city built in the ruins of an ancient tower, so it added for the moraket distric more ruin and things and made all the buiilding tall loooming and ancient looking, also made the arbor-whatever part of the town an actually flower garden it was suppossed to be instead of a big empty statue place


whatever the dirty towns name was; one town was supposed to be dirty, nasty, waters putrid and building merely tightly backed wooden shack built one on top of the other, so this mod did that, it made mor and tighter build, made more catwalks so that upper levels could be more easily reached and to give roads more cramped feel, made building taller, more buildings staced on top of each other, made some nice and elaborate changes to the rooftops allowing for a sneaky theif to cross the intire town almost by rooftop, excepting the part on the other side of the river, it also made tthe water a sick yellow. and made bodies floatign it, fitting the town just fine.


the last exampl i'd love see applied to Megaton in the espect of stacking, adding buildings inbetween, making interesting rooftop sneak paths, and making catwalks acros the open area in the middle.

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i just ask that they take at least the bigger towns (and thoase happen to be big ones) and add unto them according to their current feel, megaton is made from metal ariplane/airport scrapes, so continue the city built out of scrapes feel. same with rivet city, add mroe corridors, not to mention, there are currently abandoned un-occupied rooms already that could be filled.


and take the slaver camp... that place has tons of potential. same with daves republic.... and canterbury commons.

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